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爱你!身不由己!Love you! Beyond!

此情此景,令我身不由己,呆呆地立住了。The scene stopped me in my tracks.

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我身不由己,也需要听一听。I was compelled to hear. I need to hear.

他身不由己地围着她那一伙同道团团转,一转就是一个月。He drifts around on the outskirts of her group for a month.

对不起宝贝,人在江湖,身不由己。I'm sorry baby, people in the arena and beyond our control.

我还是身不由己地服从了他,好象是我也没有弄明白似的。Still I involuntarily obeyed him, as if I was not quite sure.

可是我还是身不由己地服从了他,好像是我也没有弄明白似的。Still I involuntarily obeyed him, as if I were not quite sure.

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我身不由己,从一家公司收受了一大笔回扣。I've involuntarily accepted a large amount of rebate from a company.

特别是当命运令我身不由己的去做冒险家的时候。Especially as what made me an adventurers was not free chioce, but fate.

盗窃狂身不由己的小偷,偷东西是因为无法自制。A kleptomaniac is a compulsive thief who steals because he or she cannot help it.

我见过太多身不由己,情难自禁。这是一种软弱和羞耻。I have seen too much help, feeling hard to endure it. This is a weak and ashamed.

叶一惊,她若真爱我,会舍得对我怒吼吗,即使是身不由己.。Ye surprised, I love if she would be willing to do for me roar, even involuntarily.

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很快我们最初的心就要被岁月蹉跎,很快我们就可以体会到身不由己的无可奈何。Soon our initial heart will be wasted time, soon we can feel helpless involuntarily.

我非常爱这些孩子,但这个让他们身不由己的体系让我悲哀。I like the kids very much but the system in which they live makes me abit sad for them.

停止应当停止与行动未始之前,才不会失当,不会身不由己。Stop should be stopped and action never before, will not be improper, not involuntarily.

那仅有的几次身不由己的麻木,只一盏茶工夫,便让内心的纯善扭曲生疼得想哭。That only a few in spite of numbness, only a we can only distort the Health inner pain cry.

当地储户身不由己只能购买政府的债券,人为使收入降低。Local savers have little choice but to buy government debt, keeping yields artificially low.

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还有些人心里根本不想旅行,因为此地跟彼方其实无异,却已经身不由己在途中。Still others have no journey in mind but are on the road because one place is good as another.

电影让我们看到这块土地上人们心灵的空虚,身不由己陷溺于疯狂追逐金钱的世界里。The new China shows us a land where the heart is empty in the face of a world crazed for money.

黑色小说中的人物都是阴沉而身不由己——他们是失败者,他们悲观,他们绝望。The people in noir fiction are dark and doomed—they are losers, they are pessimistic, they are hopeless.