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谁是你的同龄群体?Who is your peer group?

你和你的同龄相比根本不在同一个层次You’re not on “the same level” as your peers.

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他的音乐才能在他同龄的男孩中很少见。He has rare musical ability for a boy so young.

所以我从我的同龄伙伴们身上能够学到很多,so I can learn from a lot of the peer, my peers

和他同龄的卢平看上去更显老也更成熟。Lupin, who is the same age, seems much older and more mature.

这次童声合唱还吸引了不少同龄的孩子观看。Also this performance attracted many Chinese children to come.

找一个看上去很面善的同龄妹子,向她询问时间,或是问个问题。Ask a non-intimidating woman your age for the time or a question

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周洁和王春旭同龄,27岁的他们已经结婚两年了。Zhou Jie and Wang Chunxu, both 27, have been married for two years.

你们俩与同龄女孩最大的不同在那里?What is the biggest difference between you and other girls your age?

找到同龄伙伴和他们一起玩是最有挑战的事。Finding children for them to play with has been the most challenging.

混龄分组和同龄分组各有利弊。Mixed age group and same age group have both advantages and disadvantages.

我觉得同龄的大多数人在他们的工作上都比我成功。I feel like most people my age are more successful in their work than I am.

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水胶比相同时,不同龄期的混凝土强度与粉煤灰掺量呈二次曲线关系。The comparative studies of the different fly ash concrete has been carried.

对于熟人、朋友、同龄者,方可以“您”相称。For acquaintances, friends, peers, persons, parties can "you" proportionality.

然后将研究结果与另一组来自传统家庭的同龄孩子进行比较。Results of Gartrell's study will be published in the July issue of Pediatrics.

通过供给不同龄期的寄主幼虫的方法研究蜂对寄主的选择性。The host selectivity was tested by suppling host larvae with different instar.

当他在练钢琴时,同龄的其他孩子正在玩耍。He was practicing the piano while other children of his age were playing games.

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你有没有想过要做一个迪斯尼明星之类的,就像和你同龄的大部分女演员一样?Did you ever want to do a Disney star type of thing, like most actresses your age?

她的外祖母不像大多数同龄的女人那样染了头发并剪成短发。Her grandmother, unlike most women her age, had hair that was neither dyed nor cut.

她承认其他同龄女孩嫉妒她并在学校里作弄她。She admits other girls her age were jealous of her and would pick on her at school.