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他挨门挨户乞讨。He begged from door to door.

他们在圣诞节时常去挨门挨户地唱圣诞颂歌。They often went carolling at Christmas.

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他靠挨门挨户乞讨为生。He makes a living by begging from door to door.

他们正在挨门挨户地找那条狗。They are looking for the dog from door to door.

垃圾工挨门挨户收垃圾。The garbage man collects trash from household to household.

比尔是个挨门挨户进行推销的推销员,我上高中时为他送过货。Bill was a door to door salesman I'd delivered packages for in high school.

挨门挨户你总是希望把最好的绝对左右。From door to door you were always hoping for the absolute best treats around.

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叫卖指挨门挨户地推销廉价的小商品。Peddling indicates the selling of small , inexpensive goods by going from house to house.

一个挨门挨户推销货物的人,要是想卖出去就必须有闯劲。A aggressive man who goes from door to door selling things has to be aggressive if he wants to succeed.

后来万圣节演变成了孩子们的节日,由孩子们装扮成的“鬼魂”挨门挨户地去敲门要求得到“款待”。Later, it became a celebration mostly for children. "Ghosts" played by children went from door to door asking for "treats".

她可以挨门挨户的问谁有她的“红色订书器”,然后看看要多长时间才能有人把它扔给她。She can go cubicle to cubicle asking if anyone has her red stapler, and see how long it takes to get tossed out on her ear.

这项运动可能包括在星期六开始的全国挨门挨户的脊髓灰质炎免疫运动期间向社区传递信息。This campaign may include delivery of messages to communities during the nationwide house-to-house polio immunization campaign beginning on Saturday.

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但北美其他英国殖民地的居民则热热闹闹地庆祝圣诞节,身着奇装异服的狂欢者挨门挨户收取居民赠送的食品和饮料。Other parts of British North America, however, celebrated with gusto, with costumed revelers going door to door and receiving small gifts of food and drink.