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所有这一切,都是对“自由放任”模式的重要修改。All these are vital modifications to the laissez-faire model.

在我国历史上屡见不鲜的自由放任主义原则。That doctrine of laissez faire which so often in our history.

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当然香港更加重视自由放任的原则。Hong Kong, of course, sets greater store by laissez-faire principles.

你可以处于这样的状态,感受那种感觉,享受那种自由放任。You can live in the moment, feel the sensations and enjoy the abandon.

我们是否迈向高等教育的自由放任主义?。Are We Marching Towards Laissez-Faireism in Higher Education Development?

分散权力迎合自由放任主义和自由人道主义。The decentralization of power appeals to individualism and libertarian humanism.

它们是自由放任主义模式,国家监管模式和国际模式。They are the laissez-faire model, the national regulation model and the international model.

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现代会计的发展走过了从自由放任到政府监管的历程。Modern accounting has followed a developmental path from Laze fare to governmental regulation.

美国证券交易史上从来就不存在自由放任的时代。There has never been an era of laisser-faire in the history of stock exchange in the United States.

第三个主要因素已建立社团的福利和放弃自由放任。The third major element has been the creation of corporatist welfare and the abandonment of laissez faire.

他公开鼓吹“应该结束自由放任的资本主义”,并指责所谓“市场专制”行径。He has declared that “laissez-faire capitalism is over” and railed against the “dictatorship of the market”.

我对自己的生活采取了一种更自由放任的态度,并没有因为我想要这个想要那个就拼命控制自己的生活。I am taking a more laissez-faire approach to life, and not trying to control it, based on my need for stuff.

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如果这假定是正确的,现在的自由放任生育政策是有据可依。If it is correct we can assume that men will control their individual fecundity so as to produce the optimum population.

老子无为思想在中国政治思想史上有重要影响,西方自由放任学说在经济学说史上曾占据统治地位。On the other hand, the theory of laissez-faire has occupied an important place in the history of Western economic theories.

但其对公司税和社会福利的削减及自由放任的环境政策的追求始终没有停顿。But it has consistently pushed for corporate tax cuts, reductions in social services, and laissez-faire environmental policies.

本文以历史唯物主义为指导,对美国发展西部灌溉业政策由自由放任向国家干预的演变进行了研究和探讨。The thesis has made a systematic investigation on the evolvement ofAmerica development west irrigation policy between 1865 and 1902.

由此观之,我们长期以来崇尚的“自由放任”与“看不见的手”的经济模式比想象中的更加脆弱。Thus we may be learning that our long cherished 'laissez-faire' or 'invisible hand' economic model is much weaker that we had imagined.

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然而此混业非彼混业,昔日混业经营的失败是自由放任的结果。However, today's financial integration system do not same as the former days', former days' failure was the result of unrestrained freedom.

他但愿连结市场经济,但不认为自由放任会让这个理想世界一切圆满。He wished to preserve a market economy, without believing that laisser faire makes everything for the best in the best of all possible worlds.

因此,他们反对自由放任主义的经济理论,也就是以最低价买进货品,以最高价卖出的理论。Thus, they opposed laissez-faire economic theory, which calls for selling at the highest possible price and buying at the lowest possible price.