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国家翻译官拿多少钱呢?。National translator how much money do?

翻译官策马走向人群。An interpreter approached the group of gazers.

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詹姆斯·易说军中翻译官也证实了这些情况。Yee says that these reports were corroborated by the translators.

我希望以后能当一名翻译官,所以现在我要努力地学习。I want to be a interpreter in the future, so I study hard in the school.

为了移民官的面试,他请了专门的翻译官来帮忙。Therefore, he invited a special translator to help him in his interview.

翻译官向一个年老的看门人询问克里姆林还有多远?The interpreter accosted one old porter, and asked him if it were far to the Kremlin.

1913年他在美国担任翻译官,在哈佛学习了几个月的法律。He was a language officer in the U.S. in 1913 and studied law at Harvard for seven months.

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张翻译官就是“农夫”,他在审讯室将老路击毙,自杀牺牲。Zhang translation officer is the farmer, he will be killed in the interrogation room, suicide.

克拉姆喜欢折磨贾巴的其他手下,尤其是该赫特人的翻译官。Crumb had an affinity for tormenting Jabba's other employees, most notably the Hutt's interpreters.

我们在那遇到了一个德军上尉,后来他说他叫鲍里斯冯奈德哈德,是保卢斯的翻译官。There we met German captain. Later it turned out that he was Paulus's translator Boris von Neidhard.

中村功没有小林杀人的证据,为了以免莫翻译官被灭口,索性将他关了起来。No Lin murderer village work, in order to avoid the evidence the translation by them, will he shut up altogether.

中村功从莫翻译官处得知,原来中共在日自己内部还布置了四号线。The translation from the village work learned, originally the CCP in th is decorated with their own internal 4 lines.

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我想把我所有的心绪和感情渗透到艺术中,有时我把自己看作是情感的翻译官。I want to put all my different moods and feelings into art, sometimes I see myself as a translator of emotions on paper.

德国翻译官同意把我们带到百货大楼的地下室里,但同时他提醒我们说在大楼门口有地雷。German translator agreed to lead us to the cellar of the department store, but warned that there is a minefield in front of the building.

尤其是学英文的,总想好好学,将来以后到哪个公司为哪个老板、哪个董事长当翻译官,多丢脸!Especially English, always want to study well, after which company for future to which the boss, which the chairman when translation officer, what a shame!

他开始向巴萨罗纳示意,那里他度过了作为博比·罗布森助手的时期,并被昵称为“翻译官”,还一起赢得了西班牙甲级联赛的冠军。And he is driven to show those at Barcelona who nicknamed him "The Interpreter" from his time as Bobby Robson's assistant that he has what it takes to win La Liga.

菊子刚好来串门,觉得不能让元宝当日自己的翻译官,于是和锁头谋划,将元宝绑了送到山上宝虎子那。Chrysanthemum son just come round, thought cant let silver piece that day his interpreter, so plan and locks, treasure nothing that will tie the wing to the mountains.

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与奥巴马在总统办公室见面之前,默克尔总理通过翻译官告诉记者,她想感谢美国对于德国统一的支持。Before meeting with Mr. Obama in the Oval Office, Chancellor Merkel, speaking through a translator, told reporters she wanted to thank the U. S. for its support for German unification.