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为什么会有尾数效应?Why can you have mantissa effect?

这比因特网行业所带动的还要多一个尾数零。It's the Internet, and add another zero.

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他们把价钱去掉尾数调低为整卢布数。They rounded the price down to the nearest rouble.

多音节词,重音一般放在从尾数上第三个音节上。如。We should not put the stress on the wrong syllable.

请问一个负数的浮点数的尾数还带不带符号呀?Does a negative floating point mantissa also with or without sign it?

你看我们要不要买一张尾数是八十五号的彩券?Do you think we should buy a terminal of the lottery with an eighty-five?

为的只是让自己银行存款尾数多加几个零。For the sole purpose to their own bank deposits, a few more zero mantissa.

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但细看驶过的一辆辆机动车,基本没有牌号尾数为1和6的车辆。But a look at passing motor vehicles, basic no mantissa for grades 1 and 6 vehicles.

这是一个标准的浮点表示法,特点是尾数的第一个元不可以是零。This is a standard floating point representation that the first bit of mantissa must be 1.

显然,有限精度尾数的重复会在不同的地方切断。Obviously with finite precision the repetition in the mantissa will be cut off in different places.

我总结出一条规律,尾数逢1、2、7的年份,出现重大UFO事件可能性比较大。I come to the conclusion that a law, every terminal 1, 2, 7 years, major UFO events appear much more likely.

介绍了一种针对软件开发过程中因数据处理不当,导致尾数误差的调整算法。This paper introduces an algorithm used to adjust mantissa errors resulted from data deal in software developing.

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但是对截尾数据用似然方法的一个问题是MLE可能不存在。But there is a problem using maximum likelihood estimateit in censored data models, that is MLE may not existence.

利用随机脉冲尾数求差原理,导出了二进制两路尾数求差的计算法。This paper uses the theory of a tail-difference for two random pulses, and presents a tail-difference algorithm for binary number.

朱彤表示一种观点是认为应该只允许车牌尾数为当天日期数的轿车上路。An example Zhu says is being considered is to allow a car on the road only when the final digit on its license plate corresponds with the date.

通过一些步骤,就可以找到尾数、取尾数的对数并将该值添加到指数,但这有些费劲。With some effort, you could separately find the mantissa, take its log, and add that value to the exponent, but that's hardly worth the effort.

本文介绍了一种对二路随机脉冲尾数求差的原理,并在此基础上推出用十进制求差的计算法。This paper introduces a tail difference algorithm for two random pulses, and presented a BCD instruction tail difference algorithm on the basis.

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该装置以拍波合成的场强信号的节点为对准标志,以光路组合形成的双频激光干涉仪测量尾数部分。The node is used as sampling flag and the beat-wave fringe fraction is measured with double frequency interferometer combined by optical components.

第二种是心理上的。是“整数价”还是以99便士作尾数的价格看上去更便宜?文章引用了同一位“专家”的话,来支持双方的观点。The second is psychological. Do "round pound" prices or those ending in 99p seem cheaper? The article cites the same "expert" supporting both views.

不得以不能汇尾数而要求折扣,您可以汇总数,剩余的钱会跟包裹一起寄退还给您。Mantissa and may not ask for a discount can not sink, you can summarize the number, the remaining money will be sent together with the parcel returned to you.