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她在绍兴折子戏中扮演红楼梦的林黛玉。She played the role of lin daiyu in a shaoxing adaptation of dream of the red chamber.

今天,昆剧振兴的标志不应该是折子戏的反复会演,而应该是本戏演出的繁荣。Today to re energize Kunqu operas depends on the performance of the whole operas rather than.

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深入探究明清折子戏的成因及其功过,对于拓展戏曲史研究的视野,有较为重要的借鉴意义。A deep probe into the cause, merits and demerits can make a further approach to traditional operas.

不要误以为西方人理解不了中国文化而只送去几出武打折子戏。Do not think that Westerners can not understand Chinese culture, but only sent a few excerpts out of martial arts.

当一出出华丽的折子戏落幕的时候,谁又真正可以明白自己到底是演员还是观众?When a gorgeous excerpts ended when, who can really understand their own in the end are the actors or the audience?

折子戏之所以要改编原作,是为了借此寻找训练不同脚色的机会。The reason for Kunqu opera zhezixi's adaptation to the originals was to find the opportunities to train different roles.

深入探究明清折子戏的成因及其功过,对于拓展戏曲史研究的视野,有较为重要的借鉴意义。A deep probe into the cause, merits and demerits can make a further approach to traditional operas. It has a referential significance.

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明代折子戏是中国戏曲从全本戏到折子戏发展的初始阶段,是我们了解折子戏的产生、形成过程的窗口。The opera highlights in the Ming Dynasty is the preliminary stage that we can understand the production and forming process of opera highlights.

也就是说,昆曲折子戏的兴盛,还与昆曲全面发展和完善其脚色体制有着密切的关系。In other words, the rise of Kunqu opera excerpts, has a close relationship with the comprehensive development of Kunqu and improvement of the color system.

第二章为碗碗腔剧目研究,分别对折子戏和大戏进行文本探讨,并结合演出情况进行具体评价。Chapter 2 studies the list of plays of Wan Wan Opera. After respectively discussing folding dramas and grand dramas, it gives detail evaluation combining different performing circumstance.