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这样消逝的世界正在悄无声息地变得稀有起来。Such lost worlds are vanishingly rare.

海水悄无声息地上海岸。The sea crept noiselessly up the shore.

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当我们玩的时候,时间悄无声息的走过。And when we play, time goes by unnoticeably.

关了灯,宁静的夜晚悄无声息!Trun The light off, the peaceful night silently!

他用脚后跟着地悄无声息地走过走廊进了厨房。He quietly heeled over the passage into the kitchen.

当今,在男性当中流行着一种悄无声息的健康危机。There is a silent health crisis among males nowadays.

这个操作悄无声息地失败了,没有给出任何错误消息。This operation failed silently, with no error message.

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夜色阑珊,我麻利地忙活着,当然是悄无声息。The night waned , and I worked hastily, but in silence.

我蹑手蹑脚地上楼,悄无声息地打开门。I crept upstairs and tried to open the door soundlessly.

潮湿的泥土使我的脚步听起来悄无声息。The pattering of my feet made no noise on the moist earth.

生命之河就在此地泛流,无止无尽,悄无声息。Right here, the river of life floods, endlessly and silently.

北滨的景色是悄无声息的静默,关于这座城市的名字,与它素有的寒冷。Since its name and usual cold, the scenery of Pebin is silent.

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无论日本人还是外国人,所有人都悄无声息地盯着电视屏幕。People -- Japanese and foreigners alike -- were quiet, watching.

这些对容坎作品中那种悄无声息的效果都至关重要。All this appears crucial to the stealthy effect of Ryokan's works.

1983年,他悄无声息地在加利福尼亚州克雷斯敦的一个马场中地定居下来。In 1983, he settled quietly on a horse farm in Creston, California.

幼童的溺水过程不单快,而且悄无声息。Not only are toddler drownings quick, they're also typically silent.

欧洲在过去的10到15年间经历了一场悄无声息的变革。Europe has undergone a quiet revolution over the past 10 to 15 years.

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游侠悄无声息的向顶峰攀爬着。The ranger's footsteps made no sound as he climbed toward the summit.

康维用手指了指一只紫色的葡萄牙僧帽水母,它正悄无声息地朝他们左侧游来。Conway pointed to a purple Portuguese man-of-war lurking to their left.

那只发光的大黑猎犬快速地、悄无声息地在亨利爵士后面跑着。The huge, black, burning hound ran quickly and silently after Sir Henry.