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只是有点针刺。Just a little pinprick.

针刺证明有效吗?What's the evidence for acupuncture?

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蜜蜂用螫针刺皮肤。A bee pricks the skin with its sting.

我被一枚尖针刺了一下。I was hurt by a sharp-pointed needle.

他用针刺穿橡皮球。He pierced the rubber ball with a needle.

头针的针刺针刺方法。The needling method of the scalp acupuncture.

耳针针刺的注意事项。The matters need attention of auricular acupunture.

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由陶瓷纤维针刺毯加工而成。They are made of the needled ceramic fibre blanket.

许多聋哑人经过针刺治疗开始能说话了。Many deaf-mutes began to talk after acupuncture treatment.

这只迷人的小刺猬背上繁复的针刺都是由名为“乐高传动杆”的小积木块搭成的。Charming hedgehog. Needles are made of the Lego gearbox levers.

他经过针刺恢复了听力。He regained his listening after receiving acupuncture treatment.

在试验生物学和医学公告上发表的一个研究中,48个志愿者在吸入催产素气雾之后,接受手指针刺试验,其痛觉阈值降低了一半以上。In a study published in the Bulletin of Experimental Biology and

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模型组、针刺组组间差异显著。There was obvious difference between ICH and acupuncture groups.

对12个伤害性神经元进行了针刺效应的观察。The effect of acupuncture was observed on 12 nociceptive neurons.

针刺毛毡做的鸟巢和蛋来自本地艺术家Gottlieb。The needle-felted nest and eggs is by local artist Lauren Gottlieb.

头痛辨证分型、取穴及针刺治疗。The syndrome differentiation and acupuncture treatment of headache.

不宁腿综合征是最常见的神经疾病之一,大多在夜间休息时发病,发病时腿部有针刺感、刺痛感、麻木等不舒适的感觉,活动、晃动下肢或行走才能缓解。Restless leg syndrome is one of the UK’s most common nerve syndromes.

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幸亏用了针刺疗法,病人大有起色。Thanks to acupuncture therapy the patient is getting along very well.

施加给新生儿的疼痛就是标准的“针刺足跟试验”。The pain inflicted to the newborns was the standard 'heel prick test'.

一位警方高级官员透露,36件针刺事件已经告破。A senior police officer says 36 syringe attack cases have been cracked.