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塔河油田存在大量泡沫稠油。Taha oilfield has a large amount of foam heavy oil.

改质稠油酸值几乎没有变化。Acid number of upgrading heavy oil had little change.

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稠油将是21世纪的重要资源。The heavy oil is the important resource of 21 century.

热采注汽锅炉是稠油开采中的主要耗能设备。The vapor boiler is the main equipment consume energy.

稠油油藏段塞蒸汽驱技术研究。Study on Plug Steam Flooding Technique for Heavy Oil Reservoir.

研究了复配破乳剂对中原油田卫城油矿稠油的破乳机理。In this paper a mechanism of combinational demulsifiers is studied.

河南油田稠油油藏埋藏浅、厚度薄、油质稠。The heavy oil reservoirs are shallow, thin and viscous in Henan oil field.

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王庄油田属强水敏性稠油油藏。The Wangzhuang oilfield belong to heavy oil reservoir of strong sensitivity.

稠油油藏开发是一项投资大、风险大的工程。Heavy oil reservoirs development means huge-investment and high risk project.

垦东32断块属于典型的疏松砂岩稠油油藏。Kendong 32 fault block is a typical heavy oil reservoir with loose sandstone.

为解决偏远井及偏远区块的稠油井井筒举升的问题,设计此稠油管柱。In order to solve this problem, the pipe string for pumping thick-oil is designed.

单家寺油田是一个埋藏较深的具有活跃过、底水的稠油油田。Shanjiasi oil field is a deep buried heavy oil field with active edge and bottom water.

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通过保护与反保护的方法,合成了PAMAM稠油原污水高效破乳剂。PAMAM dense oil polluted water demulsifier was synthesized by protected-unprotected method.

针对胜利油田王庄稠油黏度大、开采难的问题,对其进行了降黏实验研究。The emulsifying viscosity-reducing experiments of Wangzhuang heavy crude oil are performed.

在海上月东稠油油藏开发中,将具有广泛的应用前景。It will be widely used in development of offshore Yuedong heavy oil reservoir in the future.

稠油主要分布在断阶带上盘,正常油和轻质油分布在断阶带的下盘及断阶带之间。The heavy oil is distributed at the handing wall, light oil and gas reservoir at the footwall.

有杆泵抽油作为一种主要的人工举升方法,已广泛应用于稠油开采中。As one of primary artificial lift, rod pumping has been applied on exploiting heavy oil widely.

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矿场应用效果证明了CR-1稠油降粘剂的有效性。The result of field application demonstrates that CR-1 heavy oil viscosity reducer is effective.

稠油区块经过多轮次蒸汽吞吐之后出现油汽比低、含水高的问题。Low oil?steam ratio and high water cut occurred after multicycle huff and puff in heavy oil block.

经济、高效地开发稠油对我国具有重要的现实和战略意义。To economically and efficiently exploit heavy oils is of realistic and strategic meanings to China.