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她冲着我撇一撇嘴。She quirked her mouth at me.

他露出了熟悉的撇嘴露齿的笑容。He gave his familiar, twisted grin.

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窗外的雨撇了撇嘴,彩色的浪漫。The rain was lower, color of romance.

他撇嘴坏笑,把显微镜推给我。He smirked and pushed the microscope to me.

“喂,你为什么撇嘴?”他向我挑衅。"Feed, you why Pie mouth?"He challenges to me.

奥特尔太太撇了撇嘴,她不喜欢克拉顿。Mrs. Otter, who did not like Clutton, pursed her lips.

撇撇嘴。又不屑的将书扔到床上。那么欠扁。Pie pie. And the book thrown to disdain to bed. So owe a flat.

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他躲在母亲臂弯里不怀好意地朝哈利撇嘴一笑。He shot Harry a nasty grin through the gap in his mother's arms.

他母亲冲他撇了撇嘴,于是他换了个话题。His mother's lower lip was coming at him , so he changed the subject.

史坦夫利撇撇嘴说你可能在艺术方面很有修养。Staveley curled his lip and said that you might have the most artistic tastes.

蓝玉抹了抹额头的汗珠,撇了撇嘴道。The blue jade put on the sweat bead of putting on the forehead, Pie Pie mouth way.

我给托尼看了我最新的一幅绘画作品,但他只是撇撇嘴说,小孩都会比我画得好。I showed Tony my latest painting but he just curled his lip and said a child could do better.

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我不喜欢弗里曼一家,这我知道,我发现每逢有人提起他们时,你就撇撇嘴。You do not like the Freeman family I know, I've seen you curl your lip when they have been mentioned.

“当然,那又怎样?”埃斯说。他母亲冲他撇了撇嘴,于是他换了个话题。“我想把邦尼接走。”"Sure , but so what ?" Ace said. His mother's lower lip was coming at him , so he changed the subject. " I guess I 'll take Bonnie.

听了这话,他母亲只是隔着从饰有霜冻葡萄的灰丝绒帽上垂下的网状面纱撇了撇嘴。At which his mother merely pursed her lips under the lace veil that hung down from her grey velvet bonnet trimmed with frosted grapes.

弘晖在四阿哥身后撇了撇嘴,心想道‘只能说宗室里没有生三个的罢了百姓里可不一定。Hong Hui at four elder brother after death Pie Pie mouth, hope a way'can say that act not alive in Zong Shi is three tin be uncertain in general people.

伽弗洛什立在脚跟上左右摇晃,把两个拳头捏紧在他的衣袋里,象只小鸟似的转动着脑袋,用他下嘴唇表现的全部机敏做了一个其丑无比的撇嘴丑脸。Gavroche balanced on his heels, clenched both fists in his pockets, moved his neck around like a bird, expended in a gigantic pout all the sagacity of his lower lip.