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攀越每道山岭。Climb every mountain.

给我们力量让我们自己攀越。Give me strength to climb it.

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你能越攀越高吗?Could you climb higher and higher?

在悬崖攀越往复,直至我彻底地迷失,孤独Up the cliff, down, till I'm lonely, lost

因此这是一座我们俩都在攀越的山峰。So, it is a mountain that we are both climbing.

攀登者必须攀越陡峭的岩壁。The climbers had to negotiate a steep rock face.

我们去山林,放肆地奔跑攀越。We are into the mountains, trail running and hiking.

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任何人试图逃跑攀越的警卫开枪。Guards shot at anyone who tried to flee by climbing over.

每个人都是一座山,世上最难攀越的山其实是自己。Actually, it's the most difficult that you yourself are a mountain to climb over.

每个人都是一座山,世上最难攀越的山其实是自己。Each man have a obstruction in the heart, the hardest conquering one is by yourself.

标志告诫人们,攀越的障碍和快速移动的水越来越接近,可能是致命的的。Signs warn people that climbing over the barrier and getting close to the fast-moving water can be fatal.

一个正在攀越围栏的男人,甚至还有斯坦福大学晒阳光浴的两个女生。One is scaling the man of crawl, even still Stanford university basks in two schoolgirls of sunshine bath.

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他携同王后和一个忠心的仆人,在仲冬严寒的时节,攀越阿尔卑斯高山,以便到教皇之前卑躬服罪。In company with his wife and a faithful servant he crossed the Alps in midwinter, that he might humble himself before the pope.

而且,他所作的能激励更多的人群,让他们的感情和故事在,攀越高山和自我超越中找到自我。Instead his grief becomes one of the multitude of emotions and stories that have brought people over many centuries to Mount Kailas.

世上最难攀越的高山就是自己,每每前进一步,就是一次质的超越。Inthe world most is difficult to climb the more mountain is oneself, often front goes a step further, is an archery target surmounting.

他说,在他的有生之年里,他攀越了一座无比陡峻的高山,一座迎战并且击败种族压迫、隔离的大山。He said in his lifetime he had climbed a great mountain, the mountain of challenging and then defeating racial oppression and defeating apartheid.

他的其他战友或者当场死亡,或者被捕后遭枪决,但是巴尔斯路德成功游到了小岛的海滩上,接着开始攀越冰山。The rest of his party was killed on the spot, or captured and eventually executed, but Baalsrud made it to the beach and started climbing an icy mountain.

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实物试验证明,按照本文的规划方法进行控制,农业机器人平台可顺利攀越温室大棚等环境中常见的障碍。The physical experiment shows that the platform can cross over general obstacles in farmland environments smoothly by using the proposed method in the paper.

那棵国槐树枝粗壮,树叶茂密,呈椭圆形,我越爬越害怕,但是这高兴劲成了我的动力,我和家人继续攀登,越攀越高。The pagoda tree tree branches, leaves thick, oval, I fear the climb, but the overjoyed when became my power, my family and I continue to climb, climbing high.

列车将攀越落基山脉,驶过大草原,进入布满湖泊的区域。在四天的行程中,无数的原始风光和野生动物将展现在你眼前。Over the Rocky Mountains, down onto the prairies and into water sodden lakes district over four days, The Canadian offers wild landscapes and wildlife aplenty.