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囍掌柜的店铺开张了。Open the shop. Sell the thing.

反正你明白这个意思,掌柜的!You understand what that means, landlord!

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肉铺掌柜用盘秤称肉。The butcher weighed the meat on the scales.

他跟糖果店的女掌柜结了婚。He married the old girl who owns the sweet shop.

合不合作的决定权在汪掌柜的手上!Cooperation is not the right to decide on the shopkeeper Wangs hand.

独立的“金掌柜”财富管理平台客户端软件。Independent "gold keeper" wealth management platform client software.

朱掌柜是唐山丰润人,祖上就做豆腐生意。Zhu shopkeeper Tangshan rich, people, ancestors to make tofu business.

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煮好盛在一个大碗里,让女掌柜端到桌子上。Cook served in a large bowl, let female dispensers to end on the table.

正想拉住程咬金长谈一番,不料女掌柜追了过来。Just want to pull a long process bite gold, but female manager came after.

“姑娘,你,你可知道他是谁?”掌柜吓得颤抖道。"Miss, you, who is your knowing him ?"The shopkeeper frightens shiver a way.

掌柜是一副凶脸孔,主顾也没有好声气。The manager had a fierce face, and the customers also lacked pleasant voices.

我入睡的一刻,泰勒将掌柜一切,某些恐怖的事情就会发生。The second I fall asleep, Tyler takes over and something terrible will happen.

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赤霞郁郁不得志的在酒家喝酒,却被掌柜追讨欠款。Red chardonnay was frustrated in the restaurant drink, was the shopkeeper for arrears.

他出去后,碰见这家药店的掌柜——小个子灰头发的卡尔先生。On his way out, he passed Mr. Carr, the little gray-haired man who owned the store. Mr.

两人见到松本弥二之时,王二麻子认出松本就是他昔时的掌柜的。When two people see Matsumoto two, two pock-marked recognize Matsumoto is his back manned.

谭小燕也是替莫莉着急,威胁掌柜一定要把表找回来。Xiao-yan tan is also worried about Molly, threatened the shopkeeper must put the table back.

躲在妈妈身后的两个孩子也担心会遭到拒绝,胆怯地望着女掌柜。Hide behind her mother 's two children also fear of rejection, timidly looked at the cashier.

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领教了姑娘的一番拳脚功夫,掌柜的将姑娘请进了一间上等的客房。Ask advice kongfu of foot of a fist, of shopkeeper entered the girl a classy guest room please.

一直在静听说话的当家人和女掌柜,眼泪刷刷刷地流了下来。Has been listening speaking when family and female dispensers, tears streaming down brush brush.

刚才还站在柜台里静听一家人讲话的当家人和女掌柜不见了。Was standing behind the counter to one family of speech when family and female parents disappeared.