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未上牌的出厂新车。The new ones without licensing.

填入要运行的出厂日期范围,点击“确定”。Input check-in date range, and click "OK".

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出厂为“正常时间模式”,显示时间为12小时制。Default mode is normal mode, display 12hours format.

主要工业产品的出厂价格指数。Ex-factory Price Index of Major Industrial Products.

有权批准或否定一切物料及车间产品的使用和产品出厂。Entitled to accept and reject any materials and products.

出厂时便可安装用于此用途的控制台作为预留装置。A console for this can be installed ex-works as a preparation.

出厂前本产品采用水气混试加压实验。Factory products using the water-gas mixed test pressure test.

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所有产品出厂前必须要经过严格检查。All products have to pass strict inspection before they go out.

我们给他们这么多个亿好让他们把更多美国人赶出厂。We give them billions so they can throw more Americans out of work.

每台阻尼器出厂时须进行下述试验。Each damper as leaving factory needs undergoing the following tests.

鞋舌一样印有尺寸,出厂年月份,和工厂编号!The size, made date and factory number are stamp on the shoes tongue!

这个日期决定最近的出厂日期结束这个生产单。This date determines the latest date of production end for this order.

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所有产品出厂前必必要经过庄敬查验。All products haudio-videoe to pbum strict inspection prior to any go out.

正常地信贷前提是净30,出厂达尼丁固然是破例地。Normal credit terms are net 30, ex-works Dunedin although exceptions are made.

瑞杰斯家纺绗缝被在出厂前全部经过水洗砂洗烘干程序。PDK Regency Home Textile quilt have washed sand drying process before factory.

更佳的信誉,创新,创优,实现出厂合格率百分百。Better reputation, innovation, excellence, to achieve hundred percent pass rate.

软件既可以做为一个单独的程序安装在计算机中,也可以在计算机出厂时预装。The software is available both in a software-only version and preloaded on a PC.

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所有的泵出厂时都充有油、装货时又会提供额外的一夸脱的油和使用手册。All pumps come filled with oil, and shipped with an extra quart of oil, and manual.

产品出厂要严格检查,马马虎虎可不行。Products must be strictly, not carelessly, inspected before they leave the factory.

保镖的老关在司机旁边坐定,那汽车就慢慢地开出厂去。His bodyguard settled himself in beside the chauffeur, and the car moved slowly off.