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中国会迎头而上而你们只能在后面望尘莫及。China may just leave them in the dust.

南非则超过了50公升,令人望尘莫及。South Africans chug down over 50 litres.

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哈根达斯冰淇淋让竞争对手望尘莫及。Haagen-Dazs ice cream had its competitors licked.

总之,千奇百怪,一般魔幻都望尘莫及。In short, strange, magic in general are far behind.

马迪说罗迪克的职业赛生涯仍然让他望尘莫及。Mardy says Roddick's career will sit on his 15 times over.

我仍然希望有一部可以令谷歌望尘莫及的好词典。I am still hoping for a dictionary that will leave Google in the dust.

所以她们早就望尘莫及了,于是很泄气地去读了法律或者医学。So they’re way behind. They get discouraged, and go into law or medicine.

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而交易处理部门几乎总是跟在后面望尘莫及。The transaction processing piece, meanwhile, has almost always had to play catch-up.

而志焕也交了女友智敏,智敏有着令达莱望尘莫及的身材、漂亮又可爱。Ji-hwan is also dating a girl, Ji-min, a gorgeous glamour girl who has a well-shaped figure.

即使是迄今为止人类制造出的最复杂的电脑如果与人脑的复杂相比也望尘莫及。Even the most complicated computer man has yet built can't compare in intricacy with the brain.

由于马克思的资历是我望尘莫及的,我于是请求熊彼特对马克思做个评价。Given the ways in which his qualifications trump mine, I defer to Schumpeter for an assessment.

当中国在很多奥林匹克运动项目当中屡创佳绩时,为什么足球却只能是望尘莫及。Why does China lag far behind in soccer when it competes so aggressively in many Olympic sports?

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本产品由于做工精细,内外层结构紧密,这让许多模仿者都望尘莫及。Because the products 838p and the inside layer structure closely, so many imitators are unparalleled.

事实上你们做到了,并且创造了连大球队都望尘莫及的伟大胜利。In fact, you have already made it, and achieved great success that those famous teams are not able to.

真的想不到,兄弟之中他是第一个“癞野”的,就连我刚结婚的哥哥都望尘莫及!It is amazing because he is the first one who have a kid, and my just married brother cannot catch up!

常识告诉我们,红外激光的长处源于闪电般的速度,使T1线路望尘莫及。Common knowledge says infrared laser benefits from lightning-fast speed, leaving a T1 line in the dust.

中国经济现在可能是落后于美国,但其展现出的乐观的心态,勃勃的生机,还有民族的凝聚力是美国望尘莫及的.China's economy may be lagging behind the US, but it is miles ahead in optimism, dynamism, and patriotism

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事实上你们做到了,并且创造了连大球队都望尘莫及的伟大胜利。In fact you attain, and created to connect all too far behind to catch up great victory of big ball team.

不过中国的网络公司在创新性上与美国或欧洲的网络公司相比那真可谓是望尘莫及。But Chinese Internet companies are still a long way from being as innovative as American or European ones.

林顿可能让人望尘莫及,尤其是因为他的去世使其没有机会巩固所取得的胜利。He will be a hard act to follow, not least because death deprived him of the chance to consolidate his triumph.