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物质的性质是由其结构决定的,旋光性也不应例外。In material world, properties are determined by structure, so is optical activity.

旋光性高分子在结构上具有一定的空间特异性,因而可以有多种应用。Optically active polymers, for its special chiral structure, can be used in asymmetric synthesis.

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这个甘氨酸分子就可以形成两种镜像对称的结构,具有了手性,或者说化学中所称的“旋光性”。The molecule can then form two mirrored versions, giving it handedness or " chirality" as it is called in chemistry.

证明单糖及其甙的立体结构和旋光性的关系是十分密切的。It shows that the stereostructures of monosaccharide and its glycoside have a close relation with their optical activity.

其结构中包含许多二面角螺旋,而且具有旋光性的异构体,其结构的整体骨架也构成一个大的螺旋。There are many helixes of dihedral angle, and the whole skeleton forms a large helix in the structure of the rotatory isomer.

但轮烯的衍生物,由于受碳架结构的限制,难以外消旋化,因此呈现旋光性。But owing to the limit of the carbonaceous framework and difficulty of the raceme, so the derivatives of annulene show opticity activity.

轮烯类化合物的旋光性也遵循右螺旋右旋,左螺旋左旋的螺旋规律。The optivity of annulene compounds abided by the helix law, that is, right handed helix is D-rotatory and left handed helix is L-rotatory.

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所有的氨基酸是无色晶体,可以溶解于水的,除了最简单的甘氨酸以外其他的氨基酸都具有旋光性。All amino acids are white, crystalline, soluble in water, and with the sole exception of the simplest member, glycine, all are optically active.

在阴极还原葡萄糖研制甘露醇和山梨醇的过程中对甘露醇和山梨醇在硼砂水溶液中的旋光性进行了研究。The opticity of mannitol and sorbitol in the borax solution is studied in the course of synthesizing mannitol and sorbitol by cathodic reduction of glucose.

考虑BSO晶体的旋光性,电光效应、压电效应、弹光效应时,要求解耦合方程得到解析解是不可能的。However, due to presence of optical activity, the electrooptic, piezoelectric and photoelastic effects in BSO, it is difficult to get the analytical results.

从螺旋理论看,芳香轮烯和非芳香轮烯都是内消旋体和外消旋体的混合物,故都不呈现旋光性。In the light of the helix theory, aromatic annulenes and non-aromatic annulcncs are all the mixture of the mesomer and raceme, so they haven't opticity activeity.

本文就分子中螺旋结构的模型机理与旋光性的两种定量方法进行了描述,并找出了它们的一致性,得出了相同的结论。Two kinds of quantitative deductions of optical value in molecular helical structure have been made. As a result, the same conclusion has been drawn in this article.

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试验测定目标物溶解度、旋光性等理化性质参数,设计急毒试验考察了其安全性。The physicochemical characteristics such as solubility, optical activity were detected. by Pharmacopeia methods. Animal acute toxicity was detected to test the safety.

综述了酶催化立体选择性合成及动力学折分制备旋光性氰醇的几种方法。Several enzymatic methods, including enzyme catalyzed enantioselective synthesis and kinetic resolution, for the preparation of optically active cyanohydrins are reviewed.

重点介绍了金属茂的合成方法及环戊二烯环上的取代基、溶剂对合成及分离旋光性金属茂的影响。The synthesis of metallocene, the effects of substitution in cyclopentadiene ring, reaction medium for synthesis and separation of chiral metallocene have been highlighted.

结果表明,加入合适的萃取剂可有效地提高旋光性戊醇对异戊醇的相对挥发度,减少分离所需的理论板数。The results showed that addition of appropriate extracting solvent could increase the relative volatility of active amyl alcohol and decrease the number of theoretical plates.

脂氧合酶催化反应生成的氢过氧化物促使信号分子形成的能力与该氢过氧化物的位置特异性及立体旋光性有关。The ability of LOX products to initiate the synthesis of different signaling molecules is determined by the positional and stereospecific nature of the hydroperoxides produced.

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本文根据甘露醇与钼酸铵的络合物具有旋光性这一特点,用旋光法测定胃肠透析盐中甘露醇的含量。Based on the optical activity of the complex formed by mannitol and ammonium molybdate, the mannitolum level in the gastrointestinal dialysis salt was determined with polarimetry.

本文在研究光波耦合时,考虑了BSO晶体的旋光性、电光效应、压电效应、弹光效应,通过编写程序,运用数值解法求解了耦合方程。We study beam-coupling in this paper considering the optical activity, the electrooptic, piezoelectric and photoelastic effects in BSO. By programming, we solve coupled-wave equations.

手性掺杂的聚合物分散液晶的旋光性、选择反射等独特的光学性能被广泛应用于滤波片、光栅、反射显示等方面。Such distinctive optical properties as opticity and selective reflection of chiral agent-doped PDLC have widely been applying in the field of light filter, grating, and reflective display, etc.