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链接器级别。Linker level.

高级别血管肉瘤。High grade angiosarcoma.

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现在我年纪大了,级别高了。Now I'm gray and august.

低负载级别能力。Low load level capability.

全加修复级别的高手。Full Added Fix Level Master.

选择服务器级别范围。Select a server level scope.

这是最高级别的自杀。This is the superior suicide.

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虚拟数据库级别?。VDL? Virtual Data base Level?

什么是成熟度级别?What are the Maturity Levels?

忽略运行级别域。The runlevels field is ignored.

它创建了两个级别的组。It creates two levels of groups.

非常漂亮的枪头,级别也高!Very nice spear head, high level!

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什么是传输级别的安全性?What is transport-level security?

二者需要处于相同的级别。Both need to be at the same level.

此酒是一款佳酿级别的葡萄酒。The level of this wine is CRIANZA.

上校的级别高于少校。Colonel Jones outranks everyone here.

他的领章表明他的级别。His collar badge designates his rank.

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领导力的5个级别。Priciples of The 5 Levels Leadership.

“允许”,以便修改项目级别组。Allow to modify a project-level group.

每个滑雪场地都有它的危险级别。Every skiing area has a danger rating.