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茅台是一种中国的名酒。Mao-tai is a famous Chinese liquor.

您能帮我们推荐一些中国名酒么?Could you recommend some famous Chinese liquors?

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这名酒保可以混合出150种不同的鸡尾酒。The bar tender can mix over 150 different cocktails.

1990年获香港中华文化名酒博览会特奖和金奖。In 1990, the Hong Kong Chinese culture and the gold medal.

名牌泛滥,淡化、庸俗化了名酒形象。Second, famous brand, fade, the flood debase the famous image.

卢瓦尔河谷八产区名酒联盟就是卢瓦尔河谷大区的代表。Les Huit de Loire represented Loive Valley wines in this event.

加软性饮料口感更佳,可与世界名酒“白兰地”和“威士忌”比美。The taste is like internationally popular wines such as brandy whisky.

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一瓶尊贵名酒的价格可能比一瓶单纯的优质酒贵上几百倍。A great wine may cost hundreds of times more than a merely excellent one.

竹叶青亦作竹叶清,简称竹叶,是我国历史名酒之一。Zhuyeqing liquor, also named Zhuye, is one of the famous liquors in China.

茅台,从此走上世界舞台,从此高踞世界三大名酒的宝座。Maotai, from now on to the world stage, and live on three world famous throne.

我们中国有八大名酒。我说您来一杯我们的山西汾酒吧。Yes. We have eight famous wines in China. I say you try a cup of Fen Wine from Shanxi?

马丁博罗的白苏维翁闻名于世,但新西兰的名酒远远不止这个。Although the Marborough Sauvignon Blanc is renowned, New Zealand is about so much more.

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在拍卖会上竞得高价的名酒其来源也是真实可靠的。But the wines that win the best prices at auction are those whose provenance is certain.

中国十大文化名酒企业茅台、泸州老窖、剑南春等因正确实施人才战略而得以蓬勃发展。The top ten famous liquors enterprises with cultural backgrounds in China such as Maotai Group.

保龄酒是用富锗灵芝浓缩液与贵州名酒怀酒精心勾兑而成。Baolin Liquor is highly produced with condense Linzhi fluid rich in Ge and Guizhou Huaijiu Liquor.

伪造名酒最简单的方法是将1982年产法国酒庄拉法克红酒的标签贴到1975年产的拉菲红酒空瓶上。The simplest technique is to slap the label of a 1982 Chateau Lafite onto a bottle of 1975 Lafite.

朋友们说,他的宴会派对以精挑细选的各种名酒和能见到哪个参议员赴宴而著称。Friends say his dinner parties are notable for the meticulously chosen wines and the senators who attend.

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这真是第一流的酒家,具有昂贵的帘幕,珍奇的名酒,和在全国堪称一绝的酒柜器皿。It was a truly swell saloon, with rich screens, fancy wines, and a line of bar goods unsurpassed in the country.

河南佰利汇商贸有限公司是以台湾名酒、洋酒、雪茄、名茶、名烟为主的一家商贸有限公司。Henan Bailihui Trading Co. , Ltd. is a company mainly engaged in fine wine, imported wine, cigar, famous tea and tobacco.

从消费者在游艇和名酒的挥霍上能看出他们对经济前景的乐观。It's surely promising that consumers are confident enough in their economic future to splurge on pleasure boats and booze.