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他是一个淳朴的庄稼人。He's an honest peasant.

听本地庄稼人唱的岳得尔歌!Listen to the local yokel yodel !

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这块肥腴的土地,孕育着庄稼人的希望!This fertile land bears the hopes of the farmers.

在庄稼人文化中,某些说法的通常含义完全改变了。In croppy culture, common parlance is turned on its head.

庄稼人恨不得把一分钱掰成两半使。The peasants tried to make every cent do the work of two.

她说是因为有了庄稼人的手才知道怎么去种植。She said it was having planters' hands that knew how to do it.

他是个小农户,很穷的庄稼人,勉强维持生计。He is a small farmer a very poor farm er barely making a living.

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那时节令很乱,弄得庄稼人无法种田。At that time making it to a mess and confused farmer can not farm.

他想,家乡那么贫困,正是因为庄稼人没文化。Bai thought, "The hometown is poor because people have no knowledge."

对庄稼人来说,大都市的诱惑是非常吸引人的。The lure of the big city is very attractive to people from rural areas.

刚刚摘下来的猪肝,还冒着热气就被切细,丢进锅里炒熟,热气腾腾地端上饭桌,合着酒,被庄稼人咽进肚子里。Just off the liver, still steaming is chopped, thrown into the pan fried, reeky end on the table, with wine, is the throat into the stomach.

商业农场主的空白支票和对小规模农民和无土地庄稼人问题的关注之间有一个贸易。There is a trade-off between the blank check to commercial farmers and attention to the problems of small-scale farmers and landless peasants.

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他们是俭朴的庄稼人,他们的生活就是果树,玉米地,以及后院里那些猪和鸡,其他的都遥不可及,宛若天上的星星。They were simple farm people. Their world was the fruit trees, the cornfield and backyard with its pigs and chickens. The rest of the world was far away like stars in the sky.

为了鸟口夺苗,可苦了庄稼人,天刚蒙蒙亮,就放炮仗,敲破脸盆,举着木头棍子在追赶麻雀,乌鸦和喜鹊。In order to bird mouth seizes a seedling, bitter crops person, just before dawn, they put firecracker, smashed washbasin, holding a wood stick chasing sparrow, and the magpie crow.

喧宾夺主的烟花鞭炮,肆意的占据着村庄的上空,璀璨光明,照亮了庄稼人古铜的脸庞和痴迷的梦想,更多的人走出去,为了金钱而游历他乡。Dominate the fireworks and firecrackers, wanton occupied over the village, bright light, illuminates the bronze face and obsessed with dream, more and more people go out, for money and travel abroad.