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质量的单位是千克Mass is measured in kilograms.

每千克溶剂的溶质摩尔数。Moles per kilograms of solvent.

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就是每千克溶剂的溶质摩尔数。So it's moles per weight of solvent.

在这儿,单位价格是每千克15美元。The unit price is USD 15.00 per kilogram.

将总数增加至最接近的整数千克。Increase your total to the nearest full kilogramme.

在这儿,单位价格是每千克15美元。Here it is. The unit price is USD 15.00 per kilogram.

现在,千克,这最后一个以人工制品定义的单位,正等待着自身的转变。Now the kilogram, the last artefact-based unit, awaits its turn.

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大部分的化学遵守国际单位制,所以质量的单位应该是千克。Most of chemistry has gone SI so every mass should be in kilograms.

所以,力的单位是千克米每秒平方So, the way to measure force is in kilogram meters per second squared.

力矩扳手的计量单元为镑寸或者千克厘米。The measuring unit of torque wrench is pound-inch orkilogram-centimeter.

假如你用千克称量体重那你要进食的蛋白质是数字的2倍。If you weigh yourself in kilograms then it’s 2g of protein per body weight.

瑞士精炼商夜以继日地将400盎司金条转化为以千克为单位的金条。Swiss refineries worked around the clock to convert 400 oz bars into kilo bars.

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千克是目前唯一一个以人工制品为参照标准的计量单位。The kilogram is the only unit of measurement still based on a man-made artifact.

这些白色或蓝色的黄玉晶体很大,常常有数千克拉重。The white and blue crystals of topaz are large, often weighing thousands of carats.

同时,这种电池相对于已商业化的锂电池,每千克多出百分之五十的能量。It also stores 50 percent more energy per kilogram than commercial lithium-ion batteries.

在物理学研究中除了国际单位制外,其它如厘米•克•秒和米•千克•秒单位制也使用。Aside from the SI system, other systems such as CGS and MKS are in use in the study of physics.

商店原来有一些饺子粉,卖出35千克以后,还剩下40千克,这个商店原来有多少千克饺子粉?A shop has some flour in it. 35kg is sold, and now 40kg is left. How many kilograms did it have?

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要求提供的装箱单上须以千克计重,标明各种货物的毛重及净重。Packing list showing gross and net weights expressed in kilos of each type of goods is required.

目前质粒DNA大规模生产已经达到千克级水平,一些产品正在进行临床实验。Now these processes routes can be scaled-up to produce kilogram quantities to meet clinical needs.

这种药物在极度肥胖者中需求量极大,据说已经帮助他们将体重降低了许多千克。They are in high demand among obese individuals who claim that it has helped them to shed many kilos.