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工商总局的急进,引发了更大的争议。Industrial and commercial of total bureau rabid , caused bigger dispute.

如果你要接近你的投资人过于急进,可能会有吓跑他们的风险。If you approach your investors aggressively, you may risk turning people off.

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一些氧急进份子然后由于其他的氧分子联合形成新鲜的空气。Some of these oxygen radicals then combine with other oxygen molecules to form ozone.

厄瓜多尔总统从社会民主主义突然转向更为专制的集权主义,这是标准的急进主义。The president veers between social democracy and a more autocratic, radical brand of leftism.

许多革命的菁英领袖赞同急进民权党的政治思想。Many of the gentlemen leaders of the Revolution subscribed to Radical Whig political thinking.

早期诊断、及时治疗有助于改善急进性肾炎或新月体肾炎患儿的预后。Early diagnosis, timely treatment, thus for to be conducted to improve the prognosis for the children with RPGN and CGN.

我在犹太教中比我本族许多同年的人更为急进,对我祖先的传授更富于热忱。And I made progress in the Jews' religion above many of my equals in my own nation, being more abundantly zealous for the traditions of my fathers.

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列维纳斯是当代法国急进的“异”类哲学的精神之父,向“存在伦”提出挑战的代表性哲学家。Levinas might be the spiritual father of the radical "difference" philosophy in contemporary France, a representative philosopher who challenges ontology.

目的探讨预缺氧复合锻炼对新兵急进高原后体力劳动能力的改善作用。Objective To evaluate the improving effects of hypoxic preconditioning combined with exercise on the physical fitness of recruits after rapid ascending to high altitude.

在闷热潮湿的比赛中,作为中场,他多次衔枚急进,优雅地指挥着自己年轻的队友,其中包括在左翼给人印象深刻的奥兰.托稀奇。He elegantly pulled the strings in central midfield as his younger team-mates, including the impressive Zoran Tosic on the left flank, scurried around in the stifling humidity.

慢性渗透失衡的快速修正,尤其是在合并有营养不良的情况下,能够引起急进性脱髓鞘改变。也可以发生在血清钠正常的情况下。Rapid correction of chronic osmolar imbalance, especially in the presence of concurrent malnutrition, can cause rapid demyelination. This can also occur with normal serum sodium.

除了接受清教徒领袖支持推翻史都华王朝国王的思想,急进民权党的思想也深受希腊罗马政治理论的薰陶。Drawing upon earlier Protestant leaders who had supported the overthrow of the Stuart kings, Radical Whig thought also drank deeply from the springs of Greek and Roman political theory.

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我想到李白、杜甫在那遥远的年代,以一叶扁舟,搏浪急进,该是多么雄伟的搏斗,会激发诗人多少瑰丽的诗思啊!This makes me think of the poets Li Bai and Du Fu in those ancient days when they sailed upstream against the current and how such a magnificent struggle would stir the poets' imagination.

波音将一款新型客机野心勃勃地称为“梦幻客机”,这是十分冒险的策略,其实其急进的技术和新型外包生产体系使得787客机已成为一场梦魇。IT WAS tempting fate to call an ambitious new aircraft the "Dreamliner". A combination of radical technology and a novel outsourced system of manufacture has turned the Boeing 787 into a nightmare.