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跳虫是土壤生态系统中分布极广的一类小型至微型节肢动物。The springtails are widespread small to tiny arthropods in soil ecosystem.

跳虫、摇蚊为中性昆虫亚群落的优势种。Indices of diversity, evenness and dominant concertation were examined in different groups.

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1997年所获的土壤跳虫个体数和科数最多。The individual numbers and the family numbers of soil collembolans in 1997 were the highest.

本文就跳虫形态学和分子系统学方面的研究工作进行了综述。In this paper, we reviewed the phylogeny of Collembola based on morphological characters and molecular data.

对不同温度和土壤含水量甲螨和跳虫数量的关系进行了实验观察。The studies on the effects of temperature and soil water content for the number of Oribatida and Collembola were made.

标志性的球根形的腹部,纤细的颈部,还有心形的头部,都表明它是圆跳虫科的弹尾虫家族的一员。The characteristic bulbous abdomen, narrow neck and heart-shaped head show this to be a member of the Sminthuridae family of springtails.

土壤中跳虫的多样性以及群落结构、物种组成都反映了土壤的质量和污染状况。The diversity, community structure, and species composition of springtails in the soil reflect the status of soil quality and contamination.

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作为长角跳虫科家族的一位新成员,朝鲜水虫以水草为生,它能够帮助恢复土壤肥力,还可以为微生物提供良好的栖息地。A member of the Entomobryidae family, the water bug munches on leaf litter, helping to fertilize soil and encouraging suitable habitats for microorganisms.

修复过程中,添加土壤动物跳虫增加植物生物量和铜吸收量的效果不显著,植株对铜、锌的吸收量相互间趋势一致。It was no significant effect with the repair process to add springtails for increasing plate biomass and Cu-uptake. And the uptake of plants for copper and zinc had same trend.

本文介绍了跳虫在土壤生态系统的作用、生态学应用价值以及研究的现状和展望。The important roles of springtails in the soil ecosystem, their potential values in the ecological practices and the recent advances and prospects are introduced in the present paper.

跳虫和节肢动物种群数量轻修剪后均上升,但没有达到显著水平,而如果轻修剪后清理枝条,跳虫和节肢动物总量则极显著下降。Populations of collembolans and arthropods both reached a higher, but not significant, level after light pruning. Their numbers decreased very significantly if the cut branches were removed.