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他是个军官学校学生。He is a cadet.

简是一名学生。Jane is a student.

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你是一个学生。You are a student.

三好学生怎么翻?Three good student?

我这有450个学生。I've got 450 people.

学生看图自由问答。Look ask and anawer.

对不起,常春藤的学生。Sorry, Ivy Leaguers.

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你们是好学生。Youare good students.

他是历史专业的学生。He is a history major.

他们是我的学生。They are my students.

他是一位感到腻烦的学生。He is a fed up student.

我是转学生。I'm a transfer student.

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让学生明确任务。Learn what the task is.

学生们都开始鼓起掌来。The students applauded.

每一名学生都有一顶帽子。Every student has a hat.

可以成为一名还学生。He can be a student. 12.

我是重新深造的学生。I'm a returning student.

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萨丽是一名好学生。Sally is a good student.

全班学生大声回答,“没装满!”"No!" the class shouted.

所有的学生都笑了。All the students laughed.