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我的皮肤摸起来很粗糙。My skin feels rough.

这计划还很粗糙。The plan is yet in the rough.

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不想玍命就这麽悳粗糙。!Do not want the life so rough. !

她的手由于干活而粗糙。Her hands were roughened by work.

老园丁有一双粗糙的手。The old gardener had horny hands.

这只是一个非常粗糙的译稿。It's just a very rough translation.

这些条带的边缘是粗糙的。The edges of the stripes are rough.

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继之,构建粗糙概念格。Fourth, build rough concept lattice.

他的嘴唇全都皲裂了,变得很粗糙。His lips were all chapped and rough.

土布是一种织得粗糙的布。Homespun is a cloth of coarse weave.

那手看上去粗糙干瘪。The hand looked chapped and wizened.

她的手由于家务劳动而变得粗糙。Her hands were roughened by housework.

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她伸出了年迈粗糙的手。Her knobbly old hand was outstretched.

测试每组部分试片的粗糙度。Roughness were tested for every group.

棉花的质感比丝绸要粗糙。Cotton is coarser in texture than silk.

皮肤跟皮革似的,手也很粗糙。Her skin was leathery, her hands rough.

看看他,粗糙的人造钻石。Look at him, a rhinestone in the rough.

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我的双爪固定在粗糙的树皮上。My feet are locked upon the rough bark.

请将这粗糙的食物带去给他。Please take my humble alms food to him.

繁重的家务劳动把她的手弄得很粗糙。Hard household chores roughed her hands.