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来一段录音游记。An audio diary.

格列佛游记,你知道吗?Gulliver’s Travels. You know?

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它是一本烹饪书和游记。It's a cookbook and travel book.

汉韦乔纳斯先生的游记。The Travels of Mr. Jonas Hanway.

其实,珀切斯是一个旅行家和游记作家。He was a traveler and a travel writer.

游记至今仍是一个众说不一的概念。Travels" is still a controversial concept."

格列佛游记,你知道吗?慧马国。Gulliver's Travels. You know? The Houyhnhnms?

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许多游记就是在这样的东走西逛中创造出来的。A lot of travel writing is creative hanging out.

它戳在这段时间内的游记乐趣。It pokes fun at the travelogues of this time period.

下面一系列的寻游记就这样开始了。Following a series of travelogues on this search began.

今年六月斯坦福德出版了一本关于这段旅程的游记。This June, Stafford published a book about the journey.

不仅如此,对于一个游记作家来说,马不停蹄地观察是不够的。Also, non-stop observation is not enough for the travel writer.

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波罗在游记中称之为“世界莫能与比”的元大都。Polo Travels in the call in the "World Monensin and over" in Dadu.

马可波罗游记中提到忽必烈曾派使节到过马尔加什。Polo 's travelogue mentions that Kublai Khan sent envoys to Malgache.

19世纪的文学是游记名篇的渊薮。The literature of the 19th century is rich with great travel writing.

这一切记忆都在我读了斯坦福德的游记后如潮水般涌入脑海。All of those memories came flooding back when I read about Ed Stafford.

马可波罗游记中提到忽必烈曾派使节到过马尔加什。Marco Polo 's travelogue mentions that Kublai Khan sent envoys to Malgache.

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先上游记,在上费用清单,请大家多多关注。On first travel expenses in the list, please everybody very much attention.

这篇游记是上一篇的后续部分,依然是关于嘉峪关风景区的。This post is a sequel of previous post, still about Jiayu Pass Scenic Area.

安徒生在周游列国时也写了游记。Andersen also wrote travelogs while he traveled through different countries.