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他身子上原有的金叶到底怎么了?And what on earth happened to the golden leaves on his body?

鱼子酱和一卷金叶在边缘闪耀,下面是一层层奶油冻和大闸蟹。Caviar and a crinkle of gold leaf shone just inside the rim.

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对中华金叶榆进行嫁接和扦插繁殖试验。The grafting and cutting propagation tests of Ulmus pumila cv.

饭店已经正式成为金叶级绿色饭店。The hotel has formally become a green hotel at Gold-leaf level.

雕塑在底特律动物园组成的子弹和金叶。A sculpture at the Detroit Zoo composed of Bullets and Gold Leaf.

他的披风是最上等的黄金打造的,由细小的金叶组成。His cape was made of the finest gold woven into tiny little leaves.

有一天,燕子发现金叶全都被剥完了。One day the swallow noticed that there were no more leaves to be picked.

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在河南郑州市发现金叶女贞新病害——叶斑病。A new disease of Ligustrum vicaryi in Zhengzhou, Henan Province has been found.

咸宁市廉政书画影展在金叶体育馆展出。Painting and Calligraphy Exhibition in Xian'ning city, central China's Hubei province.

这棵圣诞树高13米,放置在酒店饰以金叶的圆形大厅中。Christmas tree 13 meters high, decorated with gold leaf placed in the hotel's circular lobby.

青山绿草,落霞飞花,素云金叶,碧海长天,共同编织成了我们五彩斑斓的地球。The green grass, red flowers, white snow, yellow leaves and blue seas make up our colourful earth.

士兵伸出手啪的一声折断尾端有片金叶的小树枝作为纪念。The soldier reached out and snapped off one of the twigs with a leaf on the end of it for a souvenir.

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外墙上有用金叶镶嵌的基多城奠基者姓名,院内有苏克雷将军的陵墓。External wall useful gold leaf enchase city of Quito founders have sucre general name, nosocomial mausoleum.

旅游业为鎏金叶覆盖的屋顶提供了维修资金,也资助了云南更为偏远的地区。Tourism is funding the gold-leaf-clad roofs, but it is also creeping into the more remote regions of Yunnan.

又叫金叶纸,是古时制造金箔时用来吸取多余油份的纸,纸质上好。And that gold leaf paper, is used to make old gold foil absorb redundant oil share of paper, paper quality good.

金叶镶边的巨幅镜子从地板一直伸展至屋顶,将客人包裹在流光溢彩之中。The gold- plated giant mirror extending from the floor to the ceiling wraps the guests up in a brilliant glamour.

从一片金叶覆盖的接待前台到一个60楼嵌入的真金片,这个建筑整个散发的都是富足和奢侈。From a gold leaf-covered reception to a 60th floor inlaid with genuine flakes of gold, the building exudes wealth and excess.

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欢迎香槟,唱诗班,包含金叶鱼子酱和龙虾的精致菜单。A welcome glass of champagne , choir singing Christmas carols , a lavish six-course dinner featuring lobster and golden-leaf caviar.

这块布丁包装在一个用比利时黑巧克力制作的外层中,可食用的金叶和手工花闪耀着漂亮的光泽。The pudding was encased in an outer coating made of bitter dark Belgian chocolate, glazed with edible gold leaf and handmade flowers.

皮尔斯对这个交易的前景很兴奋,而且也知道接替拉里?金叶意味着要放弃很多东西。Piers is utterly thrilled by the prospect of the deal and knows that taking over the Larry King show means that something will have to give.