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所有人都很有钱,铜板很少出现,一张一张的银票比草纸还便宜。Everyone is rich, copper coins is seldom seen, but bank notes are cheaper than paper.

越南人,今晚占领汝南城奖励三国银票12W,敢来否?。Vietnamese occupation of Runan City Award tonight, the three drafts 12W, dare to come to any?

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越南人,今晚有国战,占领汝南城有120三国银票奖励,敢来否?。Vietnamese war tonight States, occupying three drafts Runan City 120 awards, dare to come to any?

他没有提到纸币和银票,这是在宋朝发明的。He doesnt mention paper money and the bank note, which were both invented during the Song Dynasty.

姚先生拿出一万两银票让巧妹带去支持抗日。Mr Yao out twelve thousand silver ticket let younger sister to support the anti-japanese opportunely.

越南人,今晚国战占领汝南城奖励三国银票12W,敢来否?。Vietnamese war occupation of the country tonight Runan City Award three drafts 12W, dare to come to any?

越南人,今晚国战,占领汝南城奖励三国银票120张,敢来否?。Vietnamese, the country tonight, war, occupation of the three drafts Runan City 120 awards, dare to come to any?

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越南人,今晚国战,占领汝南城奖励三国银票12W,敢来否?。Vietnamese, the country tonight, war, occupation of the city award the three drafts Runan 12W, dare to come to any?

金素颜六人的任务是找到下单的王公公,趁他高兴的时候把书信和银票交到他的手里。Gold makeup six task is to find the order of the king father-in-law, the letters and drafts into his hand when he is happy.

在2008年,因受创于日益恶化的经济形势,波动的利率,以及出于对低水平的房屋负担能力的担忧,购房一族握紧了口袋中的银票。BUYERS kept their hands in their pockets in 2008, scarred by a worsening economy, volatile interest rates and concerns about poor levels of housing affordability.

蕊红回家,见千松订购了一套高档的宣纸和徽墨,因无法付款感尴尬,结果常绿代付银票作为蕊红替素心接生的喜钱。Red home, see thousands of high-end paper and ordered a HuiMo, unable to pay feeling embarrassed, the evergreen paid silver ticket as core red heart XiQian childbirth.

振锋想把假银票夹在真银票中,向四大米商买米,请他们三天后各交一千担白米到衙门,货到付款。Up front to fake silver ticket clip in solid silver ticket, rice traders buy four meters, over one thousand please three days after they take rice into the judgment hall, payment of the goods.