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签这张支票。Sign the check.

这是要兑的那张支票。Here is the check.

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你这是一张现金支票。This is a cash check.

请将款项用支票汇来。Please remit by check.

她的支票被拒付而退回。Her cheque has bounced.

你的支票被退票了,我没拿到钱。I didn't get the money.

是五块钱的支票。It was for five dollars.

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您用现金还是支票?En efectivo o con cheque?

典狱长马上开了一张支票。The Warden wrote a check.

支票不得承兑。A check cannot be accepted.

而且华尔街得到的还是张空白支票。And that was a blank check.

那我付支票吧。I guess I can pay by check.

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银行兑了他的支票。The bank cashed his cheque.

是否所有支票均已编号?Are all checks pre-numbered?

他给母亲开了一张支票。He wrote his mother a check.

她信函内附有一张支票。Her letter enclosed a check.

对不起,我们不接受支票。Sorry, we don’t take checks.

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我们没有支票帐户。We have no checking account.

我们附上一张200元的支票。We inclose a cheque RMB 200.

第七十三条支票之定义。Check the definition of 73rd.