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他那白皙的肤色,宛如夏雪。White his rode as the summer snow.

看那白皙的皮肤和浅浅的头发!Look at that white skin and fair hair!

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如果我皮肤白皙,我能晒黑吗?If I am fair-skinned, can I tan at all?

黑色的头发与白皙的皮肤形成鲜明对比。Black hair is a sharp contrast to a fair skin.

皮肤白皙的马西娅可能是外星人。Fair-skinned Marcia Cross may just be an alien.

我白皙的皮肤也于澄清事情毫无助益。My fair skin didn’t help clarify matters either.

女巫用她瘦削白皙的手轻抚他的头发。The Witch stroked his hair with her thin white hand.

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黑色的包头巾使她的皮肤显得更加白皙。The black wimple enhanced the whiteness of her skin.

皮肤代谢缓慢、暗哑、黄气无光泽的肌肤或希望肌肤持续白皙者。The person wants to have white skin for a long time.

白皙的手指轻巧地解开绳子、敏捷地撕开了包皮纸。White fingers and nimble tore at the string and oaoer.

在我斜挂的肩膀上,她放下她如雪般白皙的手。And on my leaning shoulder she laid her snow white hand.

肌肤白皙的人应该少待在太阳底下。Fair- skinned people should not spend too much time in the sun.

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有效改善暗淡肤色,瞬间提升肌肤的白皙度和水润度。Improve matt skin tone, increase whitening and hydration degree.

白皙的脸上顷刻间就出现五条红印。In a short instant seem fives above the pure white face red print.

瘦高身材的她头发金黄,皮肤白皙,眼睛灰蓝。She has fair hair, white skin and gray eyes. She is tall and slim.

我,高高的个子,金黄色的头发,白皙的肤色,一只手搭在叔父麦罗斯的驼背上。Me, tall, blonde and fair with my hand on Uncle Melrose's bent back.

我女儿,清莹白皙得像朵花儿,这一大堆细菌围着怎么得了!My daughter, as delicate and fair as a flower, and this pile of germs!

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白皙脸庞,一头及肩的长发,喜着飘逸的白色纱裙。A fair face, head and shoulders and long hair, like a flowing white skirt.

对灰暗肤色有改善作用,均匀调理出白皙肤质。The role of the dark color has improved, even conditioning the White skin.

好山好水给了我白皙的皮肤和美丽的容貌。The good water of good mountain give me pure well skin and the beauty face.