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一条鞭法的颁行堪称中国赋役制度变迁历程中的一次重大变革。The implementation of One Lash Method was a great reform in Chinas tax system reform.

三是经济史研究,包括土地制度、税收制度、赋役制度、货币制度。Thirdly, the economic system such as the land system, tax system, and monetary system.

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政治方面体现在赋役的改革和基层管理体系的调整。Politically there were the tax reform and adjustment of the lower administration systems.

与此不同,中国古代帝王征收赋役无需征得民众的同意。On the contrary, an ancient Chinese emperor levied taxes and corvee, dispensing with people's consent.

它是国家规定的赋役征收的根本依据,其他册籍在这一点上均不能与之相比。It is the basic foundation of national levy which is prescribed by the state and other records are not a patch on in this regard.

第八章赋役制度与十国社会经济,作者考察了赋役制度对十国农业、手工业和商业发展的影响。In particular, in chapter eight, the author discuss the function of Tax &Corvee system to Shiguo agriculture, manual and business.

第九章赋役制度与十国百姓生活,作者认为由于十国赋役剥削严重,十国百姓生活从整体上看异常艰难。In chapter nine, the author entirely consider that Shiguo people life is extremely hard because of heavy burden from tax and corvee.

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第一部分,考述清代的赋役全书的纂修过程及其地位。The first chapter reviews the compiling process and the status of the"the Complete Books of Taxes and Labor Service"in Qing dynasty.

在这一过程中,贡纳、兵役、赋税始终是政府对少数民族征发赋役的主要形式。In this course, tribute receive , military service and taxes is mainly form of taxes and corvee to solicit to ethnic minority all the time.

然后再以「保」、「都」的面积,以及各保和都的人口、赋役数字、寺庙学校的分布资料输入制成本数据库。To these polygons of sub-county units, we distributed the data of population, taxation quota, temples, schools, and so on, and created a dataset.

这些调整在事实上加强了对户口流动的管理,强化了国家的赋役征派,维护了社会的稳定。These adjustments actually enhanced the administration of the population flow, strengthened the national service and maintained the social stability.

加速生祠普遍化的社会因素主要包括各地的赋役改革、地方动乱、宦官专权等。The social factors accelerating the generalization of these temples include the reforms of taxes and corvée, local rebellion, the monopoly of eunuch, etc.

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本文即试图对两汉政府对少数民族赋役政策的产生、发展、内容、特点、影响等问题进行一些初步探讨。In this dissertation, the author try to discuss ethnic minority taxes and corvee production , development , content , characteristic , and influencing etc.

本文试图对十国赋役制度做尝试性勾勒,进而探讨十国赋役制度对十国国家财政、社会经济以及百姓生活的影响。This paper attempts to not only outline Shiguo Tax & Corvee system , but also explore its effect to Shiguo government finance , social economy and people life.

但是,雍正年间实行的赋役改革与限制绅权,使世家大族与士绅阶层的特权逐渐被剥夺。However, reform of taxes and corvee and limitation of gentry power in YongZheng Reign made privileges of prominent families and gentry level gradually deprived.

中国历代以来,土地、赋役、户籍、诉讼等国家的政务,最终依托于地方来处理。Since the Chinese dynasties, land, liturgical , household registration, litigation and other countries of the government, eventually relying on in place to deal with.

第七章赋役制度与十国国家财政,作者从财政收支角度出发,着重论述了赋役制度与十国国家财政之间相互作用的关系。In chapter seven , the author particularly discuss how Tax &Corvee system play functions on Shiguo government fiance through inspecting finance revenue and expenditure.

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该项制度的产生,主要是受中国古代社会注重维护宗法家族利益精神的影响,也与维护乡党利益、处理相邻关系及其些赋役征发的法例和习惯等因素有关。The origin of this system was affected by the spirit of focusing on consolidating the clan family interest, dealing with the neighborhood relationship, and levying some taxes.

汉承秦制对周边少数民族继续加强控制和管理,并在此基础上开征赋役。After inherit the system of Qin dynasty, Han Dynasty continue to strengthen controlling and management minority in the border area , and levy the taxes and corvee on this basis.

而中国“秦制”以后赋役制度的基础在于,皇权是一切“子民”人身和财产的最终所有者、支配者。In China, however, the foundation of taxation since the Qin Dynasty onward lay in that the imperial power was the final owner and dominator of all persons and their possessions.