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说不上来,真的。Can not say, really.

这说不上是纯粹的幸福。It is not an unmixed blessing.

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我虽然说不上英俊潇洒,一表人才。Although I can not tell handsome, a talented.

目前的博尔顿队既说不上太好也说不上太坏。It is either very good or very bad with Bolton.

我恐怕说不上来他有当律师的资历。L'm afraid I couldn't say he's qualified as a lawyer.

那仁画家虽说不上古怪,也可算够奇特的了。The painter is a little singular, not to say grotesque.

她的表演虽然说不上奇妙绝伦,也还娓娓动听。Her performance was pleasing, though by no means capital.

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从上周的事件来看,无论是对哪一边,它都说不上慎重。The events of the past week suggest it is serious about neither.

对于我的画画功底,说不上很好,但还是有的。For my painting skills, it can not be very good, but still at stake.

虽说不上个个符合自己的胃口,但还是可以选一个来用。Though none of them tallies with my taste, a choice was acceptably taken.

不过都属于轻度小谎话,说不上『存心欺骗』吧!』But all belongs to the mild small lie, did not say ‘intentionally deceives’!

我随说不上是一个身怀绝技的人,但也算是个万事通。I am not a man of hidden talents but I may be considered as a jack of all trades.

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虽说不上一帆风顺,却亦足以仰天大笑。While it is not plain sailing, but it is sufficient to going to Heaven and laugh.

这也是为什么我们的专业在权大势大的市长面前“说不上话”的原因。That's why the professional field is very weak in the face of the powerful mayors.

书总会有一两处印刷错误,但这本无论如何说不上完美。There are few books but have a misprint or two, but this book is anything but perfect.

说不上什么时候,她就会暗地里给你使绊子,防止你发展。Maybe someday she will do something secretly in her power to obstruct your development.

虽然说不上是浪费,但与取得的成果相比就得不偿失了。Not necessarily wasted, but poorly spent because the results could have been so much better.

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可是我倒以为你这样对他深恶痛绝,固然说不上什么理由,却是非常聪明。And yet I meant to be uncommonly clever in taking so decided a dislike to him, without any reason.

我猜豆瓣上成千上万的评论者和我一样,喜欢这部片子但却说不上来为什么。For reasons I can’t explain, I liked it. I guess thousands of reviewers on would agree.

因为租费极微,简直说不上什么,很多人就趁此机会保全了自己的地位。Because the terms were nominal almost nothing, plenty of the men took the chance of saving themselves.