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捕获单次脉冲。Captures single-shot pulses.

IGBT双脉冲测试知识。IGBT double-pulse test knowledge.

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停止播放时输出高电平脉冲。Busy High Active, Stop High Pulse.

被测信号为脉冲调制信号。The input signal is pulse modulation.

这台机器由电子脉冲信号操纵。The kettle is operated by electricity.

而在脉冲模式下,它能够在20V下输出10A的电流。In pulsed mode, it can output 10A at 20V.

振动或逐步脉冲的高压。Oscillatory or step-pulsed high pressure.

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这脉冲正作用于你们的身体和地球。This is effecting your Body and the Earth.

螺旋脉冲形成线实验研究。Experimental study on helical Blumlein line.

高重复频率脉冲激光高达240千赫。High laser pulse repetition rate up to 240 kHz.

这是一种值得推广的测量脉冲大电流方法。There- fore, it is a method deserves to extend.

整个脉冲波形都是中心对称的。Moreover, the pulse shapes are center symmetric.

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应在三小时左右出现药物的脉冲式释放。At three hours, the drug began to pulsed release.

事前提供病人强的热脉冲。To give the patient strong heat pulses beforehand.

阐述了脉冲电铸的机理。The mechanism of pulse electroforming is described.

是否允许有压力和数量有脉冲?。Are pulsations in pressure and quantity permissible?

是脉冲功率领域理想选择之一。It is one of perfect switches of pulse power system.

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脉冲车轮钥匙,很容易相互协调。The pulse wheels are keyless and very easy to align.

而脉冲宽度对聚合反应的影响不大。The effect of pulse width on polymerization was small.

文中讨论了缺脉冲产生的可能原因。The possible reason for the pulse nulling is discussed.