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平安始终相依相伴。Peace is always relational.

和你相偎相依到光的尽头。Side by side with you till the end.

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想与你在幽幽月华下携手相依。Dreaming of hand in hand in the rain.

本文研究了时间相依性断裂。Time-dependent fracture is considered.

邻居们相互抚慰,相扶相依。“我很自满来自一个矿工的家庭。”I am proud to be from a family of miners.

当你记起那些与他相依相偎的夜晚时。When you remember those nights in his arms.

人生在世,起伏不定,很高兴跳跳羊和我们相依。So nice to know there are jackalopes around.

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相依性属性回呼和验证。Dependency Property Callbacks and Validation.

我们是幸运的少数,我们是相系相依的兄弟。We lucky few, we band of brothers and sisters.

我们相依相惜,为我们的新家而努力。We are dependent ?the new home for our efforts.

我们无论泪水还是欢笑都相偎相依。We companied each other with tears and laughter.

唯有血脉相依,才可若此至真至纯。The only blood dependencies, only if this is pure.

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按两下表示相依性的连结。Double-click the link that represents the dependency.

想与你在幽幽月华下携手相依。I wish to hold you in my arms in the faint moonlight.

幸福的融合让你我紧紧的相依。The happiness in remixing , we bound together just you and me.

你们一同降生,你们将永远相依。You were born together, and together you shall be forevermore.

树抱石,石拥树,就像一对生死相依的恋人,含情脉脉,远离尘俗。The tree and the rock embrace each other, as a couple deeply in love.

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针对指定的相依性属性,附加此项目的系结。Attaches a binding to this element for the specified dependency property.

“公”与“私”的关系,乃是对立统一、相依相存的关系。Public and private are a union. depending on and contradicting each other.

然而,正如高盛公司的布兰弗伦所言,这实际上是福祸相依的。But, as Brian Foran of Goldman Sachs points out, they are a mixed blessing.