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他不辞劳苦。He spares no pains.

她工作起来太不辞劳苦了。She works herself too hard.

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他既不辞劳苦也不惜费用。He spared neither pains nor expense.

他不辞劳苦地学习英语。He spares no pains to study English.

那就休吧,你不辞劳苦了好一阵子,现在你有那么一点点资本去稍微放松一下了。Go on, you've earned a little rest and relaxation.

谢谢你不辞劳苦把儿子送到我们这二。Thank you for the trouble you have taken in sending my son to us.

上次可是结婚纪念日的时候科林才不辞劳苦准备了这么一大套出来,可这次只是个平平常常的晚上啊。The last time Colin did this was our wedding anniversary, but this is just an ordinary evening.

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家嫂本赛季依然是湖人阵中最高效、最稳定的得分点,也是湖人阵中最不辞劳苦的内线大个子。After out of season last year, our center Bynum comeback strong and show off his domination in the paint.

如果价格能反映所有的信息,那么即使不辞劳苦地想获取信息也将一无所获,因此将不会有人这样做。If prices reflect all information, then there is no gain from going to the trouble of gathering it, so no one will.

当我们把奥林匹克梦想变成现实之时,我们要诚挚地感谢北京奥组委,感谢他们不辞劳苦的工作。As we bring the Olympic dream to life, our warm thanks go to the Beijing Organising Committee for their tireless work.

当一个产品比已有的好出一倍的时候,人们才会不辞劳苦地从现有的提供商转移到另一个。It has to be twice as good for people to bother going through all that disruption to shift from their current supplier.

过去十年间,国有财产监管中心的约翰·弗里德曼负责看管这座剧院,他像个年轻的小伙子一样,不辞劳苦的常年查看。For the last 10 years, John Friedman, the property manager, has watched over the building he frequented as a younger man.

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首先向不辞劳苦奋战在中外对话翻译前线的董鹤冰同志致敬。Firstly, I would like to express my respect for Dong Hebing's tireless labours in translating on Chinadialogue's front line.

陷泥于田而不辞劳苦,背负于犁而不言放弃,声鸣于野而不发哀愁。Trap mud Yutian and painstaking work, and carry on the plow and not made to give up, sound-ming in the wild and not made sad.

沉静,友善,有责任感和谨慎,使我能坚定不移地承担责任,做事贯彻始终、不辞劳苦且准确无误。Quiet, friendly, responsible and cautious, so I can firmly take responsibility, to do things consistent, painstaking and accurate.

当那些花儿需要照料的时候,我会不辞劳苦的为它们浇水施肥,让它们开出更加美丽的花朵。When those flowers in need of care, I will be painstaking work for them to irrigate and fertilize them out more beautiful flowers.

他那长长的枪套和皮带是锃亮的,银马刺和刀鞘也闪闪发光,这就是彼得大叔不辞劳苦擦了又擦的结果。His long holster and belt glistened and his silver spurs and scabbard gleamed, from the industrious polishing Uncle Perter had given them.

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每逢枫叶红时,我总是不辞劳苦地赶到了枫林,看到这些火红的叶子,感到心灵上得到一些安慰。Whenever red maple leaves, I always have spared no pains to get to the maple's woods, see the red leaves, feel spiritual get some comfort.

王会长经历三十馀年苦修,不辞劳苦,传授宇宙功法,遍布世界。On earth can draw the essence of all things. WangHuiChang experience more than thirty years, loving, teach austerity, the universe around the world.

“既然你相信不可能真有其事,”伊丽莎白说话的时候,怀着既惊讶又鄙视的心情,脸都涨红了,“那我就不明白,你为什么还要不辞劳苦,远道而来了。"If you believed it impossible to be true, " said Elizabeth, colouring with astonishment and disdain, "I wonder you took the trouble of coming so far.