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他们是游猎民族。They were hunting nomads.

她永远属于所有的民族。She belongs to all nations.

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中国有五十六个民族。China has fifty-six peoples.

那是个单一民族的国家。It's a single -nation state.

不同民族与信仰的人们。Men of ev'ry creed and race.

我的民族标准语是汉语。My native language is Dhinese.

意大利人属于拉丁民族。The Italians are a Latin race.

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为了她的民族和同胞。For her nation and compatriots.

由此说来,我们成了书香民族。We became a people of the book.

纳扎尔巴耶夫强调民族的宽容性。Nazarbayev emphasizes tolerance.

五十六个民族相濡以沫。The fifty-six national feelings.

我的民族标准语是汉语。My native language is Chellonese.

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美提人、第一民族和因纽特人。C. Métis, First Nations and Inuit.

美国造币厂负责人亨丽埃塔·侯斯曼·芙尔说,“硬币讲述了美利坚民族的故事。Coins tell the story of our nation.

这并且是民族优越感的标志。It is also a sign of ethnocentrism.

和服是日本的民族服装。Kimono is Japan's national costume.

没有,因为你们是不思进取的民族。Not, as you are thinking of people.

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哈萨克族是一个诗歌民族。The Kazaks is a poetic nationality.

我们是一个充满希望的民族。We are a people of improbable hope.

你的民族标准语是英语吗?。are you a native speaker of english?