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杰克微微一笑。Jake suppresses a smile.

双膝微微弯曲。Bend your knees slightly.

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她的嘴微微一撇。Her mouth quirked gently.

微微眼睛都看直了。Eyes are looking straight.

她倨傲地微微一笑。She gave a supercilious smile.

起初,风微微地吹着。At first, the wind blew gently.

船长使船微微调向。The captain boxed the ship off.

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树枝在风中微微摇荡。Branches sway gently in the wind.

埃德蒙微微一笑,摇了摇头。Edmund smiled and shook his head.

我被太阳微微晒黑。I was slightly tanned by the sun.

风平静下来,阵阵和风微微地吹拂着。The wind calmed to a soft breeze.

离别时,她的嗓音颤微微。Her voice did quiver as we parted.

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乔里恩站起来微微一鞠躬。Jolyon rose and made a slight bow.

斯内普的上唇微微翘了起来。Snape's upper lip curled a little.

长者在月光下微微一笑。The Elder smiled in the moonlight.

渔民修补微微发光的鱼网。A Fisherman mends a glimmering net.

栎鑫微微笑了,他知道灏明已经准备好了。Yue grinned and knew Ham was ready.

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马吕斯脸上微微红了一下,回答说Marius reddened slightly and replied

Miller的头微微右偏。Miller’s head is tilted to the right.

她摇了摇头,微微一笑。She shook her head and smiled weakly.