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他们相遇在2002年的军情五处剧集中,这是一个出乎人们意料的情变。They met on the set of Spooks in 2002 and it was a coup de foudre.

这里有一个例子可以说明当事情变坏的时候墨菲定律可以如何帮助您。Here's an example of how Murphy's Law can help when things go wrong.

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每当事情变遭,正是你绝不能放弃的时候。Whenever things have been changed, it is a time when you must not give up.

你选择了立场,就要坚守,不能当事情变糟的时候就逃避。You pick your side and you stick! You don't cut and run when things get ugly.

一开始太忙而没有注意到这一点,而一旦开始,一些不可思议的事情变会发生。You’re too busy to notice at first, but once that begins to happen, something miraculous occurs.

探讨发觉,利用负面、贬损的说话,尽管你对本身说,也会使你的心情变糟。Studies show that using negative, derogatory words—even as you talk to yourself—can darken your mood as well.

这些事情变的如此可疑,以至于证监会的头头要出来避谣,否认有政治动机。Things got so suspicious that the head of the SEC head to come out and deny any political motives. CBS reported back then

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当事情变糟的时候,你有一个选择,你可以沉湎于自怜,也可以抓住这个机会提升自己。When things go wrong, you have a choice. You can wallow in self pity or you can seize the opportunity for self improvement.

当事情变糟的时候,SOA会看着你的眼睛,怀着对这段破裂的关系的诚意,轻轻的对你说“真的,别怪我,都是你不好。”When things go wrong SOA can look you in the eye and with sincerety over the failed relationship say, “Really, its not me, its you.”

当事情变糟时,高层管理人员感到没有谁应承担责任,也许他们会反复强调他们没有能力影响事态的发展。When things go very wrong, senior management feel no-one is to blame, perhaps even stressing their inability to influence key events and issues.

在王安忆小说的负心情变母题里,痴情女性以受虐来认同男权文化,导致了自我身份认同的严重危机。In Wang An-yi's motif , the infatuated women identify themselves with patriarchal culture by being mistreated, resulting in the severe crisis of identity.

研究显示,即使是强装出来的笑容也会对人的情感有正面影响。事实证明,经历快乐可以让人心情变靓。Research shows that even a fake smile has a positive influence on your emotions—turns out that just going through the motion of happiness brightens your mood.

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虽然许多项目经理和领导者都认可这种责任,但是当事情变糟时,人们会沮丧地发现很多所谓的领导很快就开始找替罪羊。Whilst many Project Managers and leaders nod to this accountability, when things go wrong it is distressing to see how many of these so-called leaders quickly find someone else to blame.

当美国在中东打仗时,有个招募当地部队作为代理并且当事情变得棘手或区域政治干预时就会抛弃他们的坏习惯。When the United States fights its wars in the Middle East it has a nasty habit of recruiting local forces as proxies and then jettisoning them when the going gets tough or regional politics intervene.