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该榜单排名不分先后。The list is not ranked.

先后顺序怎样安排?What do you put next to what?

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试更改作业排列次序先后。Try re-order the activities sequence.

名单排列不分先后。The list is arranged in a random order.

但是在有关的时间先后问题上存在不一致的地方。But there are discrepancies in the timeline.

校队先后胜了5场球。The school team won five games successively.

自2006年以来,已有七家美国轮胎厂先后关闭。Seven U.S. tire plants have closed since 2006.

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短短二十几天智子身边先后死去七个人。Just 20 days naokou side has seven people dead.

启动的时候应该考虑下先后顺序。Start by thinking about what are the sequences.

办事应有个先后次序。Things should be taken up in order of priority.

如下目录分类并无特别的先后顺序。The items on this list are in no particular order.

几十年来先后治愈10万余例。Over the past decades has cured more than 10 cases.

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各种各样的喇叭裤先后出现。Various bell-bottomed trousers appear successively.

我先后尝试过哈利、罗恩的角色,最终成了德拉科。I tried for Harry Potter and Ron, and finally Draco.

春秋战国时期,江都先后属吴、越。Spring and Autumn period, Jiangdu has an Wu and Yue.

此后,他先后参加了四届残奥会,赢得了12枚奖牌。He went on to win 12 medals in four Paralympic Games.

我的头发也先后被染成了棕色、红色和金色。My hair was dyed brown, ginger and then finally blond.

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接着,她先后访问了沙特阿拉伯的利雅得和吉达。She continued on to Riyadh and Jeddah in Saudi Arabia.

在整个研究过程中,先后有1,109人患上了心力衰竭。During the study, 1,109 of them developed heartfailure.

紧随着村长,数百户的村民先后用上了再生能源。Hundreds of households in the area have followed his lead.