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有什么人胆敢数清他们?What man dares count them?

你胆敢偷我的花!How dare you steal my flowers!

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你说,是谁不要命了,胆敢要老子做他的孙子?Tell me, who wants me to be his grandson?

你怎么胆敢如此无礼,竟说出那样话来!How dare you have the impudence to say so!

你竟胆敢来指点我怎么开汽车?Are you presuming to tell me how to drive my car?

你怎么胆敢散布谣言诽谤我丈夫的人格!How dare you cast aspersions on my husband's character!

汝创造何物,胆敢质疑于我?What hath thou created that thou doth dare question me?

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如果一个儿子胆敢袭击他的父亲,他的手将被砍断。If a son strikes his father, his hands shall be hewn off.

汪汪汪,你是谁胆敢靠近我的屋子?Arf, arf, arf, who are you dare to come close to my house!

我们决心消灭任何胆敢来犯之敌。We are determined to wipe out any enemy who dares invasion.

如果你胆敢碰我妻子一个手指头,我就把你打成筛子。I will hole you like a hive if you dare to touch my wife once.

敌人胆敢进犯,我们就给予迎头痛击。If the enemy dares to invade us, we'll deal them head-on blows.

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如果他胆敢来逼迫她,他会自食恶果。If he had determined to persecute her he must take the consequences.

你胆敢向我的贝贝献媚,她可是未来的溜溜王妃!You dare to kneel down at Princess Giglio's knees and kiss her hand! '

任何胆敢为爱出卖灵魂的人,都拥有改变世界的力量。Any dares who love to betray the soul, all have the power to change the world.

任何胆敢为爱出卖灵魂的人,拥有改变世界的力量。Any man who goes to sell his soul for love, got the power to change the world.

如果有敌人胆敢踏上这片圣土一步,他们不会有机会迈出第二步。If a foe takes a single step upon such sacred soil, they shall not take another.

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但如果卢旺达人民胆敢质疑爱国阵线关于1994年卢旺达大屠杀的说辞,就可能遭到监禁。But any Rwandan citizen who doubted the RPF's version of the genocide could face jail.

敌人胆敢来犯,我们一定严惩不贷,打它个粉身碎骨。If our enemy dare to attack us, we'll punish them severely and crush them into pieces.

大英帝国将被我们踢走如果他们胆敢在这么说的话。Those imperialistic English will be kicked out of the door, if they dare say it again.