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但是该团伙仍在作案。But the gang goes on.

官方正在搜寻作案动机。Authorities are looking for a motive.

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针也是作案工具之一。The use of needles was also described.

我肯定他有罪。他作案时被我当场抓住。I know he's guilty. I caught him red-handed.

便联合设计想套出作案者。Joint design would like to set the perpetrators.

没有人能说清她的作案动机。Allitt's motives have never been fully explained.

相信作案经过、作案动机很快能够查清。Believe the crime motive soon after, to identify.

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摩萨德曾有担负令人震惊的风险作案的先例。The Mossad has a record of taking startling risks.

这一罪案似乎并无作案动机。The crime seemed to have been committed without motive.

这只戒指表明他在作案现场。The ring suggests that he was on the scene of the crime.

你是说你连和谁在一起作案都不知道?Are you telling me you don't know who you're working with?

小偷作案时被当场抓住,吓得发抖。The thief shook in his shoes when he was caught in the act.

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对于犯罪嫌疑人的作案动机,挪威警方有什么解释?For suspect the motive, what the Norwegian police to explain?

警察认为作案动机是嫉妒。The police suggested that the movie for the crime was jealousy.

他们在作案中被邻居逮了个正着。They were caught red-handed after being spotted by a neighbour.

该部惊悚片描绘了一个疯狂的连环杀手的作案经过。This thriller portrays the exploits of a deranged serial-killer.

作案后,几名歹徒驾车逃跑。After the committing a crime, several scoundrels drive to escape.

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法官再三地警告那人不要再重新作案,然后将他释放了。The judge let the man off with warnings not to cause troble again.

在法庭上,这可以作为嫌疑人作案的证据。This can be used in court as evidence to link a suspect to a crime.

同时涉嫌作案的还有其父凯末尔和其兄哈坎。His father, Kemal, and brother, Hakan, are also suspects in the case.