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解决那些炮手!Take that gunner out!

他是英国海军的一名炮手。He is a gunner of the British navy.

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双管四十毫米火炮装置上的五名炮手被打中了。Five men in a twin-forty mount had been hit.

战争期间你一共有过多少位炮手?How many gunners did you have during the war?

“伊斯莱尔是弗林特的炮手。”葛雷哑着嗓子说道。"Israel was Flint's gunner, " said Gray hoarsely.

还有炮手,那些百发百中的神枪手。And artillery-men, the deadliest that ever fired gun.

剩余四名炮手负责携带弹药。The rest four gunners are responsible of carrying rounds.

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第1门炮的炮手在瞄准镜里看到了坦克指挥塔。The gunner from 1st gun can now see the cupola in his sight.

有些炮手的嗓门几乎跟他们的大炮一样响。There are some cannoneers nearly as noisy as their own guns.

榴弹炮由一名额外的舱外炮手控制。An additional exterior gunner controls the projectile cannon.

每个炮兵连都有一个炮手是军士,其余都是二等兵。One gunner in each battery was an NCO and the rest were privates.

大炮后膛门关上后,一切准备就绪,炮手拉动引火绳。When the breech was closed and all was ready, the gunner yanked the lanyard.

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共有五人的战斗乘员是由驾驶员、指挥员和三名炮手组成的。Five men crew composed of driver, commander and three gunners operated Wespe.

飞机''。'炮'。''''。'塔'。''战斗机上圆顶形的封闭式结构,炮手的位置,从。A domelike gunner's enclosure projecting from the fuselage of a combat aircraft.

我使用贝尔瑟模型人偶亚当套件改变许多炮手的头脸。For many of the wrestlers I changed heads using the Preiser model figure Adam set.

其必需的机组人员包括一名驾驶员、一名观测员和四名炮手或辅助人员。It requires a crew of one pilot, one spotter, and four gunners or support crewmen.

炮手能距导弹发射装置的位置多达15米的地方遥控发射导弹。Both gunners can remotely fire missiles from positions up to 15m from the launchers.

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忽然第1门炮的炮手发现了一个从地上冒出的坦克指挥塔。Finally a cupola can be seen rising from the ground by the gunners from the 1st gun.

布莱姆用他的聪明才智成了船上的一名初级工程师和炮手。Bram use his intelligence and became a junior engineerer and artillerist of the ship.

新坦克有四名乘员,车长、炮手、装填手和驾驶员。This new Indian tank has a crew of four, including commander, gunner, loader and driver.