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马蹄踏在卵石上的回响。The echo of a horse's hoof.

哪里是隐藏一颗卵石最佳的地方?Where is it best to hide a pebble?

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溪从卵石上潺潺流过。The stream babbled over the pebbles.

房屋还安装了卵石蓄热炕。It is also installed with pebble beds.

只是灰色滑溜的小卵石。They are gray, greasy-looking pebbles.

所以,一个60毫米直径的卵石。So, a sixty millimetre diameter pebble.

卵石被敲成粉末。The pebbles were beaten to a fine dust.

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卵石的起动有其特殊性。Incipit of pebble has its particularity.

大卵石路不平的路面。The uneven surface of a cobblestone road.

我比较喜欢沙滩而不太喜欢铺满卵石的海滩。I prefer a sandy beach to a shingly beach.

我每天沿着一条浅的有卵石的小溪跋涉。I wade down a shallow pebbly stream daily.

马车咔嗒咔嗒响着经过大卵石路。The cart clattered over the cobble-stones.

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卵石要连续不断的流通。The pebbles are continuously re-circulated.

如孩童收集卵石或成串的贝壳as children with pebbles or stringing shells

接着它飞快地回落到白色卵石的井底潺潺!And quick to the white pebbled bottom it fell !

那是海浪带着卵石退去,又抛起Of pebbles which the waves draw back, and fling

也携带有巨大的卵石,其声呼啸震耳。Big boulders are also carried with roaring sound.

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犹如波浪向充满卵石的岸边碰击一样。Like as the waves make towards the pebbled shore.

确实是盆栽,方形花盆,它周围有卵石。It's potted in a clear, square vase with pebbles around it.

有时一块小卵石就足以使冰山崩裂。SOMETIMES it takes but a single pebble to start an avalanche.