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来点儿夜宵怎么样?How about a snack?

她在家里吃夜宵。She had supper at home.

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多久吃一次夜宵?。How frequent do you have supper?

现在吃夜宵时间好像都有点晚啊。Just go for supper with my sweetheart.

我没钱每天晚上出去吃夜宵。L can't afford to go out to eot every night.

我没钱每天晚上出去吃夜宵!I can not afford to go out to eat every night.

不要吃夜宵,吃夜宵很轻易招致瘦削。Don't eat supper, eat supper very easy incur gaunt.

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吃高热量的夜宵离不开可口可乐。Eat up high-caloric food and can't give up coke-cola.

昨晚,我跟几个朋友去吃夜宵了。I had ete a midnight snack with my friends last night.

晚上回来已经10点多了,跟爸爸一起出去吃了夜宵。After a night snack with dady, it's already 10 a clock.

放心好了,您跟我们一起吃夜宵吗?。No need to worry. Are you going to have supper with us?

夜宵时热闹非凡,夜宵以后开始赌钱。After supper, which was very rowdy, people began to gamble.

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芝士蛋饼是完美的早餐、午餐、或是夜宵选择!Omelets are great for breakfast, lunch or a mid-night snack!

以下哪些原因令你去吃夜宵?。Which of the following reasons lead you to prefer having supper?

演出结束以后,你们一定要和我一起吃点夜宵。After the show you must come with me and we'll have a little supper.

晚上,它偶尔也吃夜宵,就是一些骨头,或者几块饼干。Evening, occasionally it also eat supper, is some bones, or a few biscuits.

他可以到处做生意,并且能卖出更多的夜宵。He could move his business from place to place and sell more "night lunches."

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芝士蛋饼是完美的早餐、午餐、或是夜宵选择!I'm Kathy Maister Omelets are great for breakfast, lunch or a mid-night snack!

有天晚上,在安排幼小的女儿睡觉之前,她给女儿喂夜宵。One evening, she was giving her small daughterher tea before putting her to bed.

而且夜宵可以打乱学生们的日程安排,因此,他们通常不吃早餐。And late-night eating can throw off students' schedules, so they're skipping breakfast.