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你真有两下子!You really are smart!

你真有两下子。You have two down son.

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你有两下子。You have two down sons.

伱有两下子。You have two down sons!

我知道杰克有两下子。I knew Jack had it in him.

你真有两下子!You really have two downs!

您真有两下子!You true have two down son!

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你真有两下子!You really have two down son!

老兄,你有两下子!Brother, you have two down son!

张老师有两下子!Zhang teacher has two down son!

小样的,你有两下子。Small one, you have tow down son.

小样的,你有两下子!Small one, you have two down son.

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你模仿的还真有两下子。You're pretty good at imitations.

你有两下子,咱走着瞧!You have two down sons, we walk till look.

我记得当时想,“哟,这个家伙有两下子。I remember thinking, "Yea, this guy gets it."

别唬我!我知道你有两下子!Don't tiger me! I know you have two down son !

为了有一天我能有两下子,可以报效祖国。For one day I can have two down sons so I can hold to country.

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要么是我彻底疯掉了,要么是你真的有两下子。So either my guthas gone all crazy, or maybe you're the real deal.

在这方面你还真有两下子!你学的可真够快的!我真为你感到骄傲!You are very good at that! You are learning fast! I'm very proud of you!

你真有两下子。顺便问下,能否帮我复印下这份文件。You are really something. By the way, could you make a copy of this paper for me, please?