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她在穿着打扮上从不赶时髦。She never swung in dress.

那个女孩可不赶时髦。That girl is not a swinger.

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我太太爱赶时髦。My wife likes to follow the fashion.

男人应该有品位,但不应赶时髦。Men should be stylish, not fashionable.

这对我来说是个教训,即不要赶时髦。It was a lesson to me not to follow fads.

新生一代喜欢赶时髦,对高新产品也很在行。The new generation is trendy and tech savvy.

还是赶时髦地玩起平行世界?Are they going toco-exist in parallel fashion?

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弗兰德,你什么时候也开始赶时髦了?Flanders, since when do you like anything cool?

买衣服时,他都尽量不赶时髦。He tries to avoid trendiness when he buys new clothes.

有些人买手机是为了赶时髦。Some own a cell phone simply to catch up with fashion.

我不能在个人爱好的问题上赶时髦。I can't follow the fashions in the things I like or dislike.

他表示,刻意不赶时髦是巴克莱资本的典型风格。It is typical of BarCap, he says, to try to be unfashionable.

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多数爱赶时髦的人都买街边卖的便宜镜框。Most such fashionistas go for cheap frames sold on the street.

我是说,拜托,要是不赶时髦的话,十年的时间是多么漫长啊。I mean, come on, a decade is a long timeto go without going with the flow.

现在,中国村巴士上大都是那些赶时髦的人,独立摇滚乐队,或是旅游者。Now the buses are full of hipsters, indie rock bands, and budget travelers.

色织衬衫面料传统面料的后起之秀,亦是乐赶时髦青年的钟情物。Rising star of traditional fabrics dyed shirt fabric, is also a fashion of young love.

同时,苹果仍然是高端、赶时髦的手机用户选择的手机。Meanwhile, Apple is still the phone of choice for high-end and fashion-conscious phone users.

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他戴着赶时髦的黑框眼镜,脖子上挂着一条有中国龙的护身符。He was wearing hip dark-framed glasses and a dog tag around his neck with a Chinese dragon on it.

他们在食品,喝酒,穿着,汽车和娱乐方面老是赶时髦。他们就好像一群羊一样。They follow the latest fashions in food, wine , clothes, cars and amusement like a herd of sheep.

他戴着赶时髦的黑框眼镜,脖子上挂着一条有中国龙的护身符。He was wearing hip, dark-framed glasses and a dog tag around his neck with a Chinese dragon on it.