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其书法四体皆能,以隶书、行草为最著。His calligraphy tetrasomic able to Lishu, most famous for Cursive.

可以说,中国文字系统到了隶书已经成熟。It can be said that Chinese writing reached its maturity at this time.

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这是特别有用的时候,微软简隶书字体下载节省硬碟分割区到CD或DVD的。This is especially useful when saving hard drive partitions to CD's or DVD's.

隶书的出现,是书法史乃至文字史上的一次重大变革。The emergence of li calligraphy is an important reform in Chinese calligraphy.

伊秉绶隶书的独特风格,主要来自其独特的空间构架。The unique style of Yibing shou' s official script comes from its peculiar space.

另外,蔡邕书法精妙,尤工隶书,影响甚大。In addition, Yong exquisite calligraphy, especially labor official script, great effects.

隶书真是书法史上瑰丽的一章。The development of li calligraphy is an important chapter in Chinese calligraphy history.

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传统的中国书法有篆体、隶书、楷书、草书。The seal, clerical, regular and cursive scripts are all used in the Chinese calligraphic tradition.

隶书上承篆书遗脉,下开楷书之源,更能体现中国书法的变形与夸张。Li script can embody the deformation and exaggeration of Chinese calligraphy better than any other script.

大体说来,从隶书到今天使用的现代汉字,形体上没有太大的变化。In general, there have been few significant changes from the Official Script to today's modern Chinese characters.

通俗隶书与典型隶书在十六国时期走上了同步式微的道路。The demotic Clerical script and typical Clerical script declined simultaneously in the period of sixteen kingdoms.

而随着篆隶书体的逐步繁荣,碑派书风亦走向成熟。Following the gradual prospering of seal script and clerical script, calligraphic wind of stele school matured as well.

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在小篆被当作官方字体使用的同时,在民间又出现了由小篆草写形成的另一种字体,即隶书。While the used periods of the seal character, another kind of character form appeared in the folk, named official script.

通俗楷书的发展过程就是通俗隶书的衰亡过程。The development process of the demotic Regular script was in another word the declining process of the demotic Clerical script.

他经常穿一件朴实地中式长衫,头发像刷子一样直竖着,浓密地胡须构成了一个隶书地“一”字。He often wears a simple Chinese gown, hair like brushes as straight sticks, bushy beard formed an official script is the character "one".

书法界以为,此碑的价值就在于它是由隶书发展成楷书进程中的有名石刻之一。Calligraphy that the monument's value is that it is developed into a regular script from the official script during one of the famous stone.

面对积弱已久的隶书,能够恢复元气,形成时代风格,其历史贡献也不可抹杀。Facing the confirmed habits, the Tang people's licorice contribution of recovering strength and forming epochal style cannot be obliterated.

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他经常穿一件朴实的中式长衫,头发像刷子一样直竖着,浓密的胡须构成了一个隶书的“一”字。He often wore a simple Chinese-style gown, like the bristling with hair like a brush, formed a thick beard official script of the "one" word.

隶书的一横就产生了“蚕头燕尾”,同时还产生了撇、捺、挑、钩等多种运笔形态。Official script of a cross on the production of "silkworm head Dovetail" and also had to write, press down, pick, brush hooks and other forms.

隶书的呈现和开展有着一段较长的时间演化过程,品种繁多,但它是那时人们喜欢而又获得持久运用之文字。Lishu the emergence and development have for a longer period of time evolution, variety, it is when people who love the long-term use of language.