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我可以重新映射PIC吗?Can I remap the PIC?

端口映射服务启动失败!MAP service startup failed!

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接入点映射与蓝牙技术。Ward riving and blue tooth.

火光映射出残忍的现场。Fires lit up a diabolic scene.

阳光映射在江面上。The sun shines upon the river.

是一个数据库映射工具。One2one is a database- mapping tool.

Sinatra是直接映射到HTTP的。Sinatra is a direct mapping to HTTP.

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扩展映射文档文件格式Extension mapping document file format

你可以从映射模型完成这个步骤。You'll do this from the mapping model.

处理嵌套映射的错误方法Incorrect way to handle nested mappings

映射就像电子表格公式。The maps are like spreadsheet formulas.

映射可以解决所有这些问题。Mapping can solve all of these problems.

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映射子查询和聚合功能Mapping subquery and aggregate functions

事实上您没有在本类中映射任何东西。Nothing is actually mapped in this class.

可以将数据槽直观地映射到目录。Slots can intuitively map to a directory.

这样可以将它映射到选中的记录类型中。This maps it to the selected record type.

最后讨论了此规范与WSRF之间的映射。Finally the mapping to WSRF was discussed.

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将逻辑地址映射为逻辑地址Map a logical address to logical addresses

将逻辑地址映射为物理端点Map a logical address to physical endpoint

将数据智能地映射到变量。Map the data into variables intelligently.