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国际卫星六号通信卫星投入商业使用。The Intelsat IV communications satellite goes into commercial operation.

世界各地的电视节目都由通信卫星转播。The television programmes from all over the world are bounced off satellites.

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今年10月28日,W3B通信卫星由一枚阿丽亚娜5型火箭发射升空。October 28 this year, W3B a communications satellite by the Ariane 5 rocket launch.

国际通信卫星组织在2月1日的声明中说,来自这些卫星的服务将像往常一样继续。Intelsat said in a Feb. 1 statement that services from these satellites will continue as usual.

我的第一份工作是为一家大型防务公司建立对地同步的通信卫星。My first job was for a large defense company building geosynchronous communications satellites.

本文提出了估算静止通信卫星各分系统生产成本、整星成本和空间活动总成本的数学模型。This paper proposes a model for estimating the cost of sub-systems of a communication satellite.

27同时搭载一个国际通信卫星组织曾希望租给美国国防部的超高频带有效载荷。IS-27 also carried a UHF-band payload that Intelsat had hoped to lease to the U. S. Defense Department.

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然而,通信卫星最普遍的用途是传送电话。The most common use of telecommunication satellites, however, has been for transmitting telephone calls.

两国都与外部公司签约建立通信卫星并提供发射服务。Both have also contracted with outside companies to build telecom satellites and provide launch services.

中国的进步赋予了堵塞一般通信卫星频带和干扰GPS接收设备接收信号的能力。China’s advances are giving it the capacity to jam common satellite communications bands and GPS receivers.

现在,波音公司依然在该领域占有绝对领先的地位,在地球同步轨道部署了大量用于商用、民用和军用的通信卫星。Boeing today specializes in geosynchronous communications satellites for commercial, civil and military use.

中国为巴基斯坦发射了一颗通信卫星,然而我相信作为感谢,巴基斯坦会送一个携带炸弹的恐怖分子到中国的。China to launch satellite for Pakistan. As gratitude the Pakistan will send a terrorist to china with a bomb.

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他认为,轨道太阳能电站所依据的科学机制和通信卫星所依据的几乎没有什么不同。He argued that the science behind the orbiting solar farms was little different to that of communications satellites.

本月初,国际通信卫星公司与波音空间情报系统公司签署了一份IS-27卫星制造协议。Intelsat signed an agreement with Boeing Space and Intelligence Systems for manufacturing of IS-27 earlier this month.

负责美国商用人造卫星通信计划的,是通信卫星公司,该公司是经国会一项法案特许而成立的民营机构。Eutelsat should have used a rocket built by Arianespace, a French firm, they were told by one of Mr Sarkozy's advisers.

中国已经为多个国家发射了通信卫星,其中包括委内瑞拉和巴基斯坦等发展中国家。China has launched telecommunications satellites for developing countries including Venezuela and Pakistan, among others.

到了60年代,通信卫星又消除了对地面线路的需要。Transistors replaced the old vacuum tubes, and by the 1960s communications satellites eliminated the necessity of landlines.

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运载国际通信卫星组织708号通信卫星的这枚火箭,在冲出发射塔架几秒钟内后未按规定行进而突然转向。The rocket, carrying an Intelsat 708 communications satellite, veered off course within seconds after clearing the launch tower.

为使实用通信广播卫星成为一颗应用型国内通信卫星,对地面测控方案软件进行了改进,从而提高了控制精度。To make STW-2 an applied domestic communications satellite, the ground control software has been improved and the accuracy enhanced.

由中国空间技术研究院开发研制的“鑫诺二号”通信卫星重约5.1吨,星上载有22个转发器。SinoSat-2, mainly developed and manufactured by the Chinese Academy of Space Technology, weighs about 5.1 tons and has 22 transponders.