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我犹有遥控汽車。I have a remote control car.

缸体加热器优于遥控启动器Block heaters beat remote starters

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警方后来找到了这根遥控雷管。The police later found the detonator.

设置遥控控制,50米内库门开关自如。With remote control within 50 meters.

遥控电池容量太低。Remote-control battery capacity too low.

无线遥控技术,50米范围内均可作业。Wireless remote, operating within 50 meters.

遥控飞行对小童铭也是一个很好的学习过程。RC flying is a good learning process for Bandon.

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铝顶端无线遥控附后。Aluminum top wireless remote control is attached.

我有一台29英寸遥控彩色电视机。I've got a remote color TV with a 29-inch screen.

备份信号的遥控管理。The remote control for back-up signal management.

用遥控装置引爆炸弹。A remote control device was used to detonate the bomb.

同轴电缆采用了8个彩色编码同轴电缆遥控映射。Coax mapping with up to eight color coded coax remotes.

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舵机马达遥控起动和报警试验。Remote starting and alarm test for steering gear motor.

这种方法加速了遥控设备的测试。This approach expedites the testing of remote controls.

消防泵、应急消防泵遥控操作试验。Remote control test for fire pump and emergency fire pump.

经过遥控装置可捕获平稳的图像。Hands-off image capture via remote control for steady images.

机舱是人工操纵或驾驶台遥控主机吗?Is the engine-room manned or is the engine on bridge control?

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遥控屏幕有一些对媒体录放的基本控制。The remote screen has some basic controls for media playback.

日本研发者已经揭示了新型电子遥控机器人。Japanese developers have unveiled a new tele-operated android.

雷妮这只拉布拉多犬真的可以用“遥控”的方式来召唤。Renae the Labrador really is a dog operating on remote control.