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钓鱼去吧。Go fishing.

喜欢钓鱼吗?Like to fish?

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他钓鱼去了。He went fishing.

去钓鱼。They went fishing.

他整天都在同爷爷一起钓鱼。He's his grandpa the.

钓鱼饲他的主耀爱好。Angling his main hobby.

他常在这条小河边钓鱼。He often cast this brook.

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你们去哪里钓鱼了?Where did you go fishing?

我可以租钓鱼用具吗?Can I rent fishing tackle?

你计画要去钓鱼吗?。Do you plan to go fishing?

我酷爱钓鱼。I am dead keen on fishing.

我钓鱼钓得很愉快。I had a good time fishing.

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一整天他都要和他的笔友去钓鱼。He is with his pen pal day.

我钓鱼钓得很愉快。I have a good time fishing.

我喜欢在淡水湖里钓鱼。I like fresh water fishing.

是否在火星上钓鱼?Are you fly-fishing on Mars?

钓鱼从不使他生厌。Fishing never palled on him.

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昨天我钓鱼钓得很开心。I enjoyed fishing yesterday.

这家店专卖钓鱼用具。The shop sells fishing gear.

你能和我一起去钓鱼吗?Will you go fishing with me?